The Classic 🍋

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Christmas was over and it was back to school everyone was super excited and ready for the new semester. They were getting ready for the Classic and it was going to be a very awesome weekend.

Chase woke up to his alarm and he was not ready for another school year, as he rolled out of bed.

Everest: Morning

Chase: Whatever

Everest: who pissed in your cheerios

Chase: Shut up Everest

Everest laughed her brother was really not a morning person as they walked to school together. As soon as Skye saw him she leapt into his arms.

Skye: I missed you

Everest: Careful he is grumpy

Chase: I missed you to beautiful, Everest cram it!

Skye: be nice Chasey!

Everest: yeah 

Chase gave Everest a look and she laughed, she knew he would get over it as she kissed Marshall who came over to them.

Marshall: morning 

Everest: morning babe

Marshall: Everyone have a good Christmas

Chase: It was alright

Everest: A bit sad but we are going to be okay I think

They were joined by the rest of the crew and Ahri was called to the office,

PA System: Ahri Jones please report to the office

Rubble: uh oh someone is in trouble

Ahri knew she wasn't but she went to Principal Ryder's office and saw his door was open, 

Ahri: Hi

Principal Ryder: Morning Ahri, hope your Christmas was good

Ahri: It was 

Principal Ryder: excellent, as you know Sweetie has been pulled from school as she is attending a private school now. The Classic is coming up and as you are technically the cheer squad choreographer I thought you would want to be cheer captain. I have spoken to all the other girls and they all agreed.

Ahri: Wow really? I mean I would be delighted

Principal Ryder: Excellent, well you can take the time to practice with your new team and I look forward to seeing your performance in the classic

Ahri: Thank you principal Ryder

Ryder smiled at her as she left the room, she found Skye and hugged her,

Skye: What?

Ahri: I am the new cheer captain with Sweetie being gone!

Zuma: That's my girl!

Skye: I know Principal Ryder asked me who I wanted it to be, I am glad all the others agreed you were the best choice.

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