Honor roll.. Dishonor roll

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Chase woke up to a little body climbing into bed next to him...

Chase: you good Xayah?

Xayah: I am ok

Chase: you sure?

Xayah: I had a bad dream

Chase: I see do you want to talk about it?

Xayah: no

Chase: Okay

Xayah cuddled in close to Chase and fell asleep, Chase sighed he felt bad for her and he wasn't sure if there was anything he could do to help her.

The next morning Chase's alarm went off for school and he groaned, Xayah opened her eyes and stretched beside him

Xayah: wake up Chase

Chase: I don't want too

Xayah: you have school don't you

Chase: ugh you are going to turn into Everest aren't you

Xayah: what do you mean?

Chase: she hounds me too, and you are only 5

Xayah: I love you Chase

Chase: I love you too kiddo now lets go get ready for school

Xayah ran upstairs and Chase showered and dressed in his favorite blue hoodie as he also headed upstairs for breakfast. 

Everest: always cutting it close 

Chase: shut up Everest

Xayah laughed and so did Aunt May,

Aunt May: you to better go or you are going to be late and I have this one

Xayah smiled she was getting used to her Aunt now and going to school, she knew Chase was still around if she needed him.

Chase and Everest walked to school and Gasket ran up to them,

Gasket: Chase I am so sorry, I know its a hard ask for you to forgive me I had no idea my brothers were going to do that.

Everest: you stay away from my brother

Chase: Everest it is fine, Gasket I really do hope you figure things out with your brothers. I am not sure what your relationship is with them and why they tried to frame me for something that was so beyond fake its not even funny. I am not mad at you it was not your fault but if your brother's are going to continue with this then I can't be your friend

Gasket: I get that and I am sorry again. 

Gasket walked away sad she needed to fix thing with everyone and her brothers were not making it easy for her especially Hubcap.

Chase found Skye at her locker and he hugged her from behind,

Chase: you smell amazing

Skye: thanks, are you good Chase?

Chase: I am fine why?

Skye: I just feel like you had a rough weekend

Chase: I did but its fine I knew I didn't do anything

Skye: yeah, are you still going to be her friend?

Chase: would it bother you if I was?

Skye: it might

Chase: why? 

Skye: I just don't like other girls talking to you

Chase: you are okay that Abby, Leah and Ahri talk to me

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