An Ice cold misadventure

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Everest was excited they had planned a trip to go ice skating and it had been a while since she went. 

Everest: CHASE!! hurry up

Chase: I am coming but is this a good idea?

Everest: of course it is, the lake is frozen

Chase: yeah but is it frozen enough to support all of us

Everest: you sound like Rocky

Chase: well he is right most of the time, and Xayah is coming and I don't want her hurt

Xayah: I am fine Chasey

Everest: yeah Chasey she is fine

Chase: shut up Everest

Everest: you didn't tell her to shut up 

Chase: she is 7 and I don't care if she calls me that but you on the other hand have another thing coming

Everest: Okay I get it sheesh

Chase and Everest along with Xayah made their way up to the lake, Zuma, Kol Ahri, Rubble, Sweetie and Leah were already there.

Chase: where is Skye?

Leah: she is coming, Rocky is having a meltdown

Chase: is he good?

Leah: her exact words were he is trying to find a reason that we should all not be here and spewing of statistics

Chase: ahaha that's' my boy

Everest: Chase was unsure about this too

Zuma: this lake is good man I promise

Chase: okay but if it isn't' and someone gets hurt you are to blame

Zuma: got it

Everest: is Marshall coming?

Zuma: I think so he had to make a stop first he said, something about Lizzie's skates

Everest: okay 

Marshall, Lizzie, Skye and Rocky finally arrived and everyone had there skates on,

Rocky: I really don't like this

Leah: you will be fine babe just hold my hand 

Rocky: I am not worried about that but like we are basically on water

Zuma: frozen water dude you are good

Sweetie: I am so glad to be included you guys are so funny

Rocky: I still don't trust you

Sweetie: I am good I promise, Rubble has changed me

Chase: I am sure he has

Ahri: just be thankful she is not after you anymore

Chase: this is true

Skye: now all we have to worry about is Coral

Rocky: but she was here only temporarily right?

Sweetie: it wouldn't surprise me if she managed to sweet talk her way out of that school

Chase: great just what I need, she honestly just irritates me

Skye: she more than irritates me she drives me mental

Zuma: Kol be careful!

Kol: relax Zuma I am fine

Zuma: until you fall through the ice!

Rocky: I thought you said that couldn't happen

Ahri: it can't Zuma is just being cautious

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