Saying Goodbye

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Aunt May noticed Skye leaving but she never said anything and she noticed the urn in the living room, she called to her niece and nephew.

Aunt May: Chase, Everest come down here please

Everest came out quickly, but Chase didn't much feel like moving he groaned as he grabbed his crutches and carefully made it down the stairs. 

Aunt May: What is this?

Chase: Its dad apparently

Aunt May: how did you get this?

Chase: it was delivered to our door by a guy in an army suit

Aunt May started to cry, 

Everest: are you okay?

Aunt May: I am fine dear I just I am sorry

Everest: it is okay to cry we feel the same way, its hard knowing that he is right there but we can't ever hear him or see him again

Aunt May: Is there something you want to do with the ashes?

Everest: we were hoping you would tell us

Aunt May: I feel like getting rid of them would be an insult to his memory, we can put them somewhere and whenever we go there we will always know he is with us

Chase: that sounds creepy, I mean as much as I don't want to get rid of them either I still find it creepy

Everest: I want to keep them I feel like he will always be with us 

Chase: where would we keep him, its not exactly like the urn is the best looking

Aunt May: I actually have something else

Aunt May ran to her room and grabbed a golden egg and brought it into the room,

Aunt May: your father gave this to me when I turned 16, it had a special place in our hearts. I feel like we can keep him in here

Chase: are you sure that is really nice

Aunt May: I am sure it is perfect

Everest and Chase opened the urn and the ashes were in a bag as they pulled it out all of a sudden feeling a bit lost. They placed it into the egg that their Aunt had opened and they all sat on the couch and remembered him.

Everest: I feel like in a way we are saying goodbye and dad I miss you, I hate that you were in the war in the first place. I wish I could just see you one last time and hear you tell me you love me

Chase hugged her as she started to cry,

Chase: I would give anything for you to be here dad, even if it is to ground me or something. It will never be the same, at least now you can say hi to mom for us and we miss you rest in peace dad

Aunt May: Brother I will make sure your kids are taken care of and I will always honor your memory. I see so much of you in Chase and I know he will do his best to honor you, and Everest is everything you were with her heart and her determination. They will do you proud and like they said we will miss you

Everyone just sat there they really couldn't explain the way they felt, it was getting late and Aunt May stood up.

Aunt May: I will make us a quick dinner

Chase and Everest nodded as they sort of just felt numb, Chase looked at his sister

Chase: Eve are you coming to school tomorrow?

Everest: yeah I feel like I have too

Chase: you don't but I really don't think you should miss much more

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