Court day blues...🍋

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A/N this chapter will contain a lemon session if you are not comfortable reading it then don't. I won't add to much detail but it is just a pre warning! It will also have more in the future. I will add the lemon in the title if it does.

The next morning Leah woke up and her dad was yelling at her to come downstairs she so badly just wanted to run away and not come home.

Beau: Leah get up and dressed we are leaving soon

Leah: I am up!

Beau: good

Leah rolled her eyes she was really hoping the judge was going to let her live with her mom she really didn't want to stay with her dad. They drove to the courthouse and Leah texted Skye

Leah: We are at the courthouse, I am so scared he will win custody

Skye: breathe it will be fine, the judge will listen to your side of it

Leah: but my dad is going to make my mom seem like she is unstable, he won't let me date Rocky. I hate him

Skye: Try stay positive Leah you don't know what will happen yet.

Leah had to stop texting as they arrived at the courthouse and walked in she was so nervous she felt like she was going to puke. The judge called them up,

Judge Mathis: Mr. Scott please tell me why you feel you should have custody of Leah

Beau: Well her mother is unstable and is currently in the hospital on a psych hold for attempting suicide. She has not been the same since our son died 2 years ago, I have been financially supporting Leah and feel that it would be easier having her stay with me. Her mother is not stable and has not been showing good parenting skills as she allows Leah to just do what she wants. My daughter is 14 years old and needs stability in her life and I can provide that.

Judge Mathis: Thank you is there someone here for Mrs. Scott?

Maggie: Yes your honor, she has been doing extremely well over the last few days, she is taking a new medication and is very much aware of her mistake. She wants to keep Leah in her life as she feels that Leah keeps her sane. She knows she messed up but she wants to do better and believes that Leah is better off with her. She felt that Mr. Scott was abusive and Leah will not do well living with him as she believes he was the reason for her son's death.

Beau: That is bullshit

Judge Mathis: Mr. Scott I am going to have to ask you to not call out in my court room we are entitled to hear all sides. Leah what is your opinion?

Leah: I want to stay with my mom, she needs me and I am happier living with her. My dad is controlling and strict. I am not a child anymore and I can make my own choices he makes me feel small and like I am his property. I also don't like that his girlfriend half his age and he leaves me with her most of the time.

Beau didn't like that Leah felt this way, he hoped he would win he just really didn't think that Leah would be safe with his ex-wife. The judge heard all sides and thought for a few minutes before making a decision.

Judge Mathis: In the case of Leah Scott she will remain in her father's custody over the next month and if her mother can provide proof that she is in fact better and can provide adequate care for her daughter she will be given custody of Leah. Until that is proven she will remain with her father Beau. If she has not provided proof and support Leah then Beau will gain full custody, This session is adjourned until next month.

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