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It took a few more hours for the storm to completely pass, but as soon as it did everyone was at the hospital.

Aunt May went up to the nurse and asked for some info,

Aunt May: I am looking for my nephew he was brought here,

Nurse: As were a lot of other people, We will have and update for families here shortly if you could kindly just wait of to the side.

Everest felt like punching this nurse in the face all they wanted was to know if Chase was okay. this nurse just brushed them aside.

Marshall: Everest love relax, we will know soon

Everest: she is lucky I haven't punched her in the face

Zuma:  I get it you are worried and you should be but all these other people are worried for their family members too.

Everest: I can't lose him guys I can't and the fact he went looking for me makes me feel even worse

Skye: Its my fault he is hurt, that object was coming for me and he pushed me out of the way, so if its anyone fault is mine

Vanessa: okay listen I know you all don't really know me but this whose fault blame game needs to stop. Chase would hate it and you all know that, he did what he had to save those he loves. Chase is a stubborn kid and he always has been but one thing I know from being his friend is he would do absolutely anything for anyone of you.

Rocky: I second that, I mean Chase as been through the most shit out of anyone of us but he always stuck his nose out for his friends. We just need to hope he is okay because I for one don't think I would survive losing him.

Everest started to cry and everyone tried to comfort her and Rocky comforted Skye who was also crying.

Xayah: Auntie is Chasey going to be okay?

Aunt May: I don't know sweetheart 

Xayah: I don't want to lose him

Aunt May: none of us do sweet girl we just need to pray.

After what felt like forever for the group, the nurse came out with an updated,

Nurse: I have here some information, I know you are all worried and we are extremely busy at the moment. Here is a list of names of patients who have been seen and are currently alive and being treated.

The nurse posted the piece of paper and Everest ran up to it but didn't see Chase's name, 

Everest: Chase is not on here, where is he?

Aunt May: Excuse me look I get you are busy but my nephew's name is not on your list,

Nurse: then he is either deceased or we have not received an update on him yet

Everest: deceased? he can't be deceased, I would feel that I am sure of it

Marshall: we need to breathe Everest

Everest: my brother could be dead and you want me to breathe!

Zuma: yes breathing helps, and we don't know he is dead

Skye: I think this waiting it even worse like I can't just sit here now knowing

Rubble: hang on a sec

Rubble ran into the back and found his mom,

Wanda: Rubble honey are you hurt?

Rubble: no mom my friend was and the nurse won't tell us anything can you help?

Wanda: sure baby what was his name?

Rubble: Chase Hunter

Wanda searched it up on her computer, and looked to her son,

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