Never Forget....

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Chase was so bored and getting down to his room was proving to be a challenge, and he was by himself for now.

Chase: Dammit!

The doorbell rang, Chase was struggling,

Chase: come in its unlocked

Rocky and Rubble entered,

Rocky: hey we came to check on you

Chase: cool can you actually help me

Rubble: sure what do you need?

Chase: I need to get to my room and I am scared I will fall down the stairs

Rocky stood behind him and Rubble in front and they were able to help him get down safely

Chase: thanks

Rubble: sure man, Chase we are worried about you

Chase: why?

Rocky: you haven't exactly had the best of luck when it comes to enemies and we just wanted to make sure you won't do anything stupid

Chase: I won't and I am just trying to have at least one semester in school where I don't end up in the hospital. I am sick of it too, but for now let's just focus on the fact hat Hubcap and Dwayne are gone.

Rubble: Amen to that

Chase: this can't be the only reason you guys came

Rocky: it is we figured you were board, and our girls are shopping

Chase: I am down for whatever you have just as long as we don't have to go back upstairs

Rubble: you have a playstation?

Chase: I do

Rubble: lets fire it up

Rocky plugged it in and they all played video games for a while, then Everest came home as did Aunt May and Xayah. Rubble and Rocky again helped Chase back upstairs,

Everest: man that might be a challenge 

Chase: yeah its not fun I can tell you that

Everest; thanks guys for taking care of him

Rocky: anytime Everest, we need to keep his spirits up

Chase: my spirits are fine thanks

Everest: yeah thanks

Rubble and Rocky left and Xayah hugged Chase,

Christmas came and went and everyone was able to spend as much time with each other as possible. Chase was more than ready to get out of the house,

Everest: you ready for school?

Chase: I will never be ready for school Eve

Everest: yeah I mean that was a dumb question

Chase: I am excited to see Skye

Everest: you literally just saw her yesterday

Chase: what is your point?

Everest: I guess I don't have one sorry

Chase laughed as they made their way slowly to school, once they arrived Skye hugged Chase

Skye: I missed you

Everest: you two honestly

Chase: you are just jealous

Everest: I am not jealous, I do have my own boyfriend

Marshall walked up to them,

Marshall: yes you do and I missed you

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