Exams...and a little more

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It was December and getting closer to exams and Christmas and Everest was working more now as there was quite a bit more snow. Chase was so excited today he was going to get his leg looked at and hopefully get the cast off.

Everest: if you do get it off please don't do anything stupid

Chase: you mean like go down devils gorge

Everest: Chase I am serious

Chase: Chill Eve it was a joke, I won't do anything stupid

Aunt May drove Chase to the doctor and sat and waited with him to make sure he was alright, Dr. Jensen took Chase back and did a quick X-ray

Dr. Jensen: the break looks healed lets see if you can put weight on it Chase

Chase stood up and it felt stiff but he was glad to finally be able to stand

Dr. Jensen: Do you feel any pain or discomfort?

Chase: Nope

Dr. Jensen: Okay as long as you can walk on it and its not causing you pain you are good to go. I would refrain from doing anything drastic for about a week

Chase: Does drastic mean no basketball?

Dr. Jensen: No basketball at least for a few days

Chase: Okay thanks Dr. Jensen

Chase walked out of the room and his Aunt dropped him off at school, he missed first period but he was on time for the second.

Skye: Welcome back

Chase: thanks

Chase was not looking forward to exams in a few days as teachers were preparing them and he looked to Rocky with a pained face. Rocky laughed and nodded his head he knew what his friend wanted. Lunch bell rang and Chase waited for Rocky,

Rocky: you are funny man that look was pure pain

Chase: I hate tests and exams are the worst

Rocky: don't worry I will help you but I can't write the tests for you

Chase: you could just write my name on your paper

Rocky: no thanks, I have faith you can do it on your own

Chase: well then you have enough faith for the both of us

Everyone was eating lunch and each couple were sitting together, Sweetie looked over to them and she was jealous. 

Chase: what is everyone doing for Christmas?

Skye: my mom and I usually go somewhere warm for Christmas but I think we are going to do something at home this year.

Rocky: because of me?

Skye: No of course not we are so excited for you to spend Christmas with us and we wanted to make it special

Rocky: please don't for me I never had Christmas

Skye: that is just sad and my mom and I love Christmas so you are going to have to deal with it, but trust me you will love it

Ahri: My parents are huge on Christmas too and well this year we are spending it with Zuma and his family

Zuma: Can't wait but you will have to deal with my brother

Ahri: aw I love Kol I think he is cute

Zuma: Ugh that just makes me hate him even more

Marshall: My dad usually works Christmas there is always lots of fires on that night, so me and Lizzie spend it at the fire hall with him

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