A little taste of the good life...

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Skye and Rocky were so excited to see this giant ball of yarn and they had no idea why, it wasn't really that exciting.

Skye: I wonder what color it will be

Rocky: According to the internet everyone sees something different its meant to appeal to you

Skye: ROCKY! stop ruining the surprise

Rocky: sorry I can't help it its in my nature

Kylie: Skye it will all still be exciting don't worry

Skye: I know are we almost there

Kylie: yup just a few more km

Skye: good I need to pee

Rocky: you don't need to announce it every time

Skye: how else are you to know?

Rocky: I don't really need to know

Kylie: My goodness do you to ever get along? I mean you really took to the brother and sister thing fast. 

Skye: Its fun lol I love having a brother

Rocky: I just love being with a family that does this I mean it is awesome

Kylie: We love having you in our family too Rocky

Skye: Oh my gosh look!

They arrived at the yarn museum and it was huge! 

Rocky: you know its bigger than I expected

Skye: its beautiful and its a house too, Oh my gosh!

Rocky: Its a museum not a house

Skye: whatever

Kylie: lets go look around and find some food

Skye: and a bathroom

Rocky rolled his eyes as they searched around, it was awesome and  they ended up spending most of the day there. It was weird that a ball of yarn would have so much to do, but there were knitting classes and cross stitching. There was even activities set up for kids to do and lots of souvenirs made out of yarn. Skye ended up buying a few things for herself and for Chase. Rocky bought something for Leah too it reminded him of her and he missed her.

Kol ended up being allowed to go home the next day and he was taking it easy on the couch, Lily was catering to him.

Lily: Kol honey do you want to come to Alaska tomorrow

Kol: no I want to stay with Zuma

Lily: well we can't guarantee he wants you to stay

Kol: he will and I have friends here mom, its summer

Lily: I know that but dad misses you

Kol: he comes back in a week right?

Lily: we don't know he might just work the whole summer and get some extra time off around Christmas.

Kol: Why do I have to go but Zuma doesn't?"

Lily: We would like Zuma to come as well but he is stubborn

Kol: mom please I don't want too

Lily: your father will be disappointed

Kol: Can't I go later in the summer like when its soo hot I want to go to Alaska

Lily: I guess we still need to find out of Zuma even wants you here

Kol: Don't ask him just leave

Lily: that would be awful of me

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