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It had been two days after recieving the sudden invite from Amber to come to this event and the night finally came, Harry was rather exited meanwhile Robin showed a nod of appreciation since he knew she was up to something.

Harrry took out the two tuxeto's that Amber sent them and tossed one to Robin as Robin inspected it, "well come on open it up!" Harry said with his one already opened as Robin tore the plastic bag off it.

"It's rather small don't you think?" Robin said as Harry shrugged "seems about it but it'll only be one night" Robin sighed at response but went to the toilet to change.

He was infact right, the tuxeto was small for him, and felt awfully tight, he really didn't want to go since it was Amber but Harry would think it's strange since he was still clueless about Amber's real side.

Robin groaned as he walked out of the bathroom as Harry glared at him blushing slightly "looks stupid right?" Robin said as Harry chuckled "no no, not at all! It uhm looks rather.." 

"Rather what?" Robin asked as he saw Harry thinking of how to respond "good, it looks good" Harry said with a nervous smile as Robin noticed before glaring at the bow on Harry's tuxedo was slightly crooked.

Robin came over and stood infront of Harry before speaking again "your uhm, bowtie is crooked" Robin said in a nervous tone before pointing it out as Harry glanced down and tried to fix it "here let me" Robin offered as he straightened up the bow tie before walking back to see Harry blushing.

"Thanks" Harry said as both glared at eachother, both were quite nervous but before anything else could happen Harry got a text message from the Taxi he ordered "Taxi's here" Harry said before switching his phone off and both walked out to head to the taxi.

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