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It had been a few days since Harry caught Robin trying to sneak back in, and since then he'd caught Robin oging out more frequently, and got to know that he apparentlly found a friend of some sort.

Harry was reading his newspaper as to have expected before glancing up to see Robin dressed up quite nice, not fancy but it still made him shocked to see Robin actually have a good style and it made Harry blush in one way.

"Going somewhere?" Harry asked putting his newspaper down "I'm going out with-", "Alex?" Harry inturupted "yes with Alex" Robin replied trying to put his earing in franticly but still failed making Harry notice and chuckle abit "need help?" "nope" Harry looked at Robin knowingly that he obviously needed some help "fine yes I do could you help me?" He asked as Harry stood up from the couch and walked over towards 'the damsel in distress'.

"Here give it to me" Harry requested holding his hand out as Robin dropped the earing in his hands "right, now stand still" Harry said as he put the earing through Robin's ear and  put the back on"there", "thanks" Robin smiled as he put his jacket on to leave.

Harry wanted to stop Robin but what could he possibly do?

Harry heard the door close as he sighed walking over to the sofa and grabbing his newspaper and reading it, it was annoying now these days how Robin would go out so frequently, but what else would he say to make Robin stay home and to just chat, but this Alex guy was all Robin would talk about, for example, what was so great about this Alex?

But Harry started to think, what if Alex was a bad influence? He did seem to make Robin quite happy "maybe I should just see what their doing" Harry said wondering how he would possibly find out where Robin and this Alex Hudson was, Harry suddenly reaslised something, he may or may not have possibly installed an app to know where Robin would be.

Harry clicked on the app to see Robin was still walking and Harry decided to just wait for a few minutes to see where it would lead him too.

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