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hey yall sos for not posting in a while school's just started

Harry woke up feeling absolutley exausted, barely remebering what happened the night before, he felt quite dizzy before remembering a few things, him drinking then passing out for a bit then being taken to bed by Robin.

Although he was strained, he was awfully comfortable, it felt as if he wanted to stay in bed for eternity since normaly he'd sometimes wake up in a mood from the very hard matress, well the mattress was still very hard and bad to sleep in, he still wanted to lay down.

Harry sighed and thought of what to do before finally he slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes before finally looking down to an image that made him blush intensley, Robin's arm was wrapped around Harry's waist tightly almost not letting him go and snuggling into Harry's chest, and finally Robin was in bed with the same clothes he wore the night before and his hair was all ruffled up.

"What on earth happened last night?" Harry whispered trying his best not to wake Robin.

Harry started blushing even more as he slowly removed Robin's arms from his waist making Robin flinch twice but still kept asleep, after a good 5 minutes of freeing himself from Robin's grasp Harry stood up and walked over to the kichen.

Harry then got a cup from the dish washer and  filled it halfway up with water before taking a few sips and setting it down to think for a moment as he felt himself getting butterfly's in his stomach as he started thinking about Robin, could he really have a crush on him? "No no it's wrong, I can't like my bestfriend" Harry said as he tried to chase away his feeling for Robin.

Harry sighed again and picked his cup before feeling him self grip onto it tightly, but before he could think or do anything else a sudden voice spoke.

Fluffybird🙃Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora