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Harry sat down on the couch feeling, empty, Robin was really only gone for 2 days but it still pained him knowing that things between them may not be the same.

He sipped his coffee once again before hearing the doorbell ring, making him stand up and walk towards it.

He was hesitant at first, but opened it seeing Robin on the other side absolutley soaked with a sick expression, tired almost.

"Robin?" Harry said before Robin completely collapsed on ground letting go of anything that was in his grip as Harry caught him within secounds.

Harry carried Robin onto the couch trying to be as calm as possible, afterall he had no idea of why Robin just randomly came home soaked, he sighed before inspecting Robin's face noticing a bruise on Robin left cheek.

Harry, not knowing what to do in such a situation, walked towards the kichen and grabbed his phone looking for what to do before grabbing a cup, filling it up with water, then headed over to their bedroom, grabbing a spare blanket before heading back to the living room where Robin was as he wondered what to do with Robin's soaked clothes.

Since really he had no clue of what to do, he put the blanket over Robin and sat down by Robin's side, waiting for him to wake up.

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