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"Uhm Amber?" Robin asked in confusion as Amber rolled her eyes suddenly "why you?" She said as Robin was in complete confusion before she finally spoke once again "what are you talking about?"

"Why out of everyone in the whole world, why did Harry have to have a digusting queer like you as his roomate?" Robin was in absolute disbelief "what are you talking about?" Amber disgusted expression turned into a rather maliciouse smirk.

"Do you think I don't notice? It's obvious  you have a crush on him" Robin stared in disbelief of what she was saying, Amber was in a way correct, but it still made Robin shocked that she would make such an insane accusation "what are you talking about? I don't have a crush on anyone, why did you even think I did?" Robin said trying not to reveal that her assumptions were correct.

"I see how you look at him, plus you're all he speaks about, all he is worried about but don't worry, aslong as you keep away from him, you won't spread your disgusting disease"

"First off, I am not a queer! And even if I was I wouldn't spreading it, it's Harry's choice on wether he is straight or not" Amber rolled her eyes again and just gave him a death stare "sure just stay from him" she said with a wicket smile.

Before anyone could speak Harry came back with a package, "yup it was the mailman, anyways did you two get to know eachother?" Harry said smiling as Amber smiled back "yes we had alot of fun talking to eachother, isn't that right Robin?" "Uhm I-" Robin said before being inturupted "ISN'T that right Robin?" She asked once again but with a more aggressive tone.

"Yes, we did" Robin said in discomfort, but before Harry could figure out or ask what was wrong Amber stood up and offer to help Harry as Robin stared in embarressment and confusion to why she would say this.

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