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"Whats up?" Harry spoke expecting to need to come back to work, or even better maybe his uknown rich uncle died and left his prized possesion to his long lost nephew but whatever it was needed to be important because he was not going to be contacted for no fucking reason, "Harry! Some green headed fella came in and ranted him trying to reach for you and even asked us to contact you to see if you two could meet up or whatever"

Harry's expression immidetly became joyful as he wanted to ask so many questions! "Yes! I do know him! Is he there now?" Harry screamed

"Nope just left about a minute ago but I gave him my number and gave him the dates you work in, but did you not try to call him before?" Evelyn asked "Nope! It said he had low battery..." Harry said with a sad expression "welp if we get any more information we will be sure to tell you.

"Thanks a bunch Evelyn!", "No probs but I really NEED to go now, some crazy old hag is screaming at Amber" Evelyn chuckled before hanging up the phone.

Thank goodness Harry found atleast one of the trio! He would've litterly DIED if he couldn't find even Robin.

But still, Robin only probably JUST came here and he knows nothing, heck he probably didn't know what a cellphone is! I mean it made sense but who knows, they'll be reunited soon anyways so Harry didn't need to stress THAT much about it, right?

Fluffybird🙃Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя