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"UGHH I'm SO bored!" Evelyn said  whilst leaning agains the counter and repeatingly throwing a tennis ball against the table and catching it once it bounced back "Evelyn what on earth are you doing?" Claire asked sitting on the table watching as Evelyn slowly came to a halt.

"I'm BORED." Claire chuckled at the response "really? You never run out of things to do with that mind of yours" Evelyn shrugged "what? I've run out of things to do!"

Claire sighed and stood up from her chair before walking towards the counter and sitting against it too then placing her head on Evelyn's shoulder "well have you've heard anything from Harry or Robin?"

Evelyn shook her head "nope, not for about like.. a week or so? I don't know and I'm not gonna bother knowing how many days"

Claire chuckled before standing up "well alright then, I'm going to the living room to watch some TV, call me if you need anything!" She said whilst leaving as Evelyn groaned when suddenly she heard a knock on the door "CLAIREE!"

"Claire come onn!!" Evelyn said waiting for an response before standing up and goijg towards the door placing a hand on the doorknob and opening it seeing Robin behind the door "Robin! Been a while" she said whilst leaning against the doorframe.

Robin smiled "hi Evelyn, so..." Evelyn chuckled sllightly "what may I do for you Robin?"

"Hm? Erm.. I need.. a.. dress" Evelyn eyes widened as a wide smile crept on her face "come on in!! I have the PERFECT dress for you, or 5! Just name the occasion and I'll get it"

"I need for a kareoke thingy" Evelyn nodded and grabbed Robin's wrist pulling him into the apartment before leading him to her bedroom and signaling him to sit on the bed as Robin did so whilst Evelyn searched through her closet before pulling a dress out and chucking it to Robin as Robin entered the bathroom to change.

After a few minutes of waiting Robin called to Evelyn as EVelyn hurried to the bathroom "yeah?" She said with her hand honding onto the doorframe seeing RObin struggle with the zipper as she zpped the dress up "well? How does it look?" Evelyn eyed the dress down as Robin felt worried it would look weird or stupid on him.

Robin wore a white flapper dress with a long frilly skirt a low neckline and a lace collar,  sleeveless and helds him tightly around the chest as the dress also has some lace on the waistline, he also wore a faux fur wedding shawl around his shoulders, a headpeice that went around his head and white gloves.

"It looks stupid right?" Evelyn suddenly squeeled at the dress reveal "it looks AMAZING! If Harry were here right now he'd be redder then his hair!! I shouldn't be suprised of how well you managed to pull it off but here you are!"

Robin smiles "really? Well thanks Evelyn, I think im going to change back, is it alright if I borrow the dress sometimes?" Evelyn nods "no. your not going to borrow the dress" Robin felt a bit dissapointment.

"Your going to KEEP that goddamn dress because not even I can look good in it, so I'll give you a bag or something to put it in, you can keep the heals and the scarf thingy too and all that, ok?" Robin smiles "alright! Thank you Evelyn, it means a lot to me"

"Don't mention it! And here" she goes into the kitchen and finds a plastic bag before handing it to him "put the things in here once your done, ok?"

Robin nods and goes into the bathroom changing back to his casual clothes and putting the stuff in the plastic bag, then leaving it and waving a final goodbye to Evelyn and Clair before exiting the house feeling rather estatic.

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