19 |Fair|

105 5 1

It had been a few days after Amber came over, and since then Harry had found Robin's behaviour a little bit suspicious, sure he didn't go out so often but he would refuse to do anything with Harry or barely speak to him, it worried Harry but what could he do? Robin wouldn't admit anything was wrong.

Harry sighed as he looked through his phone to something that caught his eyes, there was apperently a fair going on until tomorow morning, afterwards it would be shut down until next year, Harry grinned knowingly that Robin couldn't refuse this time he thought before standing up from the table and walking over to where Robin was, laying down on the sofa while watching something.

Harry walked on over grabbing a pillow on his way before throwing it on Robin "Harry! Ouch, what was that for?" He asked while sitting up "come on you crybaby, it didn't hurt that much" Harry said as Robin sighed "your right, it wouldn't of if it didn't smack my phone out of my hands making it land on my face.

"Oh-" Harry said trying his best not to laugh "anyways you need me for something? Because I know you didn't come over here just to start a pillow fight" Harry grinned before throwing himself next to Robin on the couch and pulling out his phone to show Robin.

"Well, there is a fair going on today and we HAVE to go!" Harry said as Robin read on where and the timing for it on the page "no" Harry's cheerful expression turned into a more confused one "why not?" Harry asked while gaining suspicion "just don't feel like it, you could go though"

"Fine then I'll give you two option" Robin glared at Harry in confusion "either you go OR you have to work at the cafe" 

"But I told you the learning course is unavailable" Harry grinned "well I talked to the manager and he said the learning course IS available, so what's your choice?" Harry asked as Robin sighed making Harry feel a tiny bit guilty, but what could he do? "Fine I'll go one time but don't they cost money?", "Well, actually I got a bonus from work, plus I paid the rent yesterday and I have some spare money" Harry said proudly while Robin chuckled "ok ok then, when should I start getting ready?" Robin asked hoping to get 20 minuted or so "now!" Robin stared at Harry "now?"

"Yes now!" Harry said while pulling Robin's wrist bringing him to the closet to find something warm but casual.

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