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It had only been a couple of days after Amber had asked out Harry and finally the night came, Harry decided to wear a plain white shirt, black trousers and a black blazer with his hair half up half down meanwhile Amber had worn a long sleaved short twill tiered dress and had her hair up in a messy bun.

"So what do you think?" Harry asked as Robin stared up in astonishment " stunning.." Robin muttered under his breath "you say something?" Harry asked as Robin went bright red with embarresment "I said it looked good" Robin answered hurridly "so.. where are you going for your date?" Robin asked as Harry thought for a secound "uhm some fancy new restuarent in town" Harry said before he heard his phone buzzing "my Taxi is here, will you be fine on your own?" Harry asked while Robin stared back at him "Harry we are both 26? I think I'll live without you for 1 night" Robin answered as Harry chuckle "alright then I'll head out now cya!" Harry said entering out of the apartment and headed towards the Taxi opening the door and sat down in the back.

"Hello sir where will you be heading?" the driver asked as Harry thought again for a moment "Uhm can we go to the Le Gavroche? (tbh I just took a random resturant from London)"Harry asked sweating abit hoping he got it right "Got it" Harry nodded at the response as they drove off for about 5-8 minutes.

Finally he got at his destination "We are here Sir" the driver said as Harry handed out the money to them and got out of the car entering the restuarent as he saw the front lady (I don't know what they are called but they greet people or smth like that).

"Evening sir, do you have a reservation?" The lady asked "Uhm yes, I think table 53?", "ah, yes someone is already waiting there" she smiled as Harry nodded and headed over towards the table seeing Amber waiting already as he sat on the other side while Amber blushed seeing him "you look great" Amber said astonished of how Harry looked while Harry chuckled at the response "thanks you too.. so..?" Harry asked as Amber chuckled back "you have never been here have you?", " Nope never have" Harry said before being interupted by the waiter asking for their order "I'll have.." Amber tapped on the table thinking for her response " for starters Garlic bread for main uhm sushi please, and finally to drink I'd like just some tap water" the waiter nodded writing it down on their small notebook before turning towards Harry for a response "same as her" he said as Amber chuckled.


Robin tapped on the table feeling bored as hell "Fuck, I seriously have nothing to do?" Robin said sighing before thinking of something "Harry won't mind me going out right? I mean my phone is fully charged and I know to not drink anything with too much alchohal so I will totally be fine" Robin reassured himself while getting up to leave the house, he decided to just wear some simple jeans, a plain black shirt and some piersings on his left ear, and went out deciding not to take his jacket since it wasn't that cold, and finally he put his phone in his pocket.

Entering the bar he could hear loud sounds from everywhere as he decided to head over to the counter to get something ABIT alchoholic, maybe beer even? He thought as he got closer to the counter and put his right hand down on the table indicating he was ready to order as the bartender came over "hey dude what would you like?" The bar tender asked as Robin gave an immidiete response "Beer please" the bartender nodded heading over to some of the shelfs and slided the beer to Robin as Robin caught it with his right hand "enjoy man" he said as Robin nodded before he went over to sit on a small black sofa before glancing a guy around his age probably walking over to him.

Fluffybird🙃Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora