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Hey guys sos its been a while-

"Daisy??" Robin called out as Harry stared over at him "shit, where the hell is that rascal?" Harry said as Robin just sighed "maybe.. we should call the police" he suggested "maybe but we don't have another day"

"What do you mean? She couldn't have gone that far with those little legs", "well we're not sure wether she's missing or not, plus do you want us on the news or something? We could get a refraning order afterwards and I can not have that on my records"

Robin stared around hopless "who..could we call then?" He asked as Harry shrugged "wait, what if she went into an alleyway or something?" Harry said as Robin stared at him in confusion "an alleyway? Why an alleyway?" He asked.

"Well she seems not be on the sidewalks or really anywhere else, plus she can't have gone that far in 10 minutes, right?", "right.." Robin replied as Harry sighed "well then let's head off" Robin nodded as they both started roaming around for an hour trying to find her.

They searched around abit only to not find anything until they entered a narrow alleyway that was about 6 or so minutes away from the ice cream parlour.

"Daisy?" Both repeated a couple of times as Robin felt slightly fustrated "fuck.. we're NEVER going to find her! She could be anywhere.." Robin said while kicking the brick wall.

"Look we're going to find her, now quit being a whiny and let's continue searching!" Harry said as Robin just shook his head before sitting against the wall "Robin.. come on it'll be alright"

"No! It won't be okay, we lost Daisy and we have another 3 and a half hours untill Evelyn is back", it's going to be Harry looked over at Robin as Robin looked back at him "Robin..", "no Harry, don't tell me everything will be alright, because it's not, we aren't going to find her, it's been what? 2 hours or something?"

Harry stared down "your right" he mummbled "hmm?", "yeah your right, we won't find her" Harry said as Robin just banged his head lightly against the wall "but it's worth trying but trying to instead of sitting around all day won't help us either"

Robin sighed "fine I'll try again, but don't expect we'll all of a sudden find her" Harry smiled before grabbing Robin' wrist and pulling him out of the alleyway as they began searching for another hour.

about half an hour later both stopped nearby a children's park as Robin looked towards Harry "well.. that's really all of the places.. what no-" Robin said before being inturupted by someone hugging him as he turned around too see who it was.

"Robin!" Daisy chuckled as Robin hugged Daisy back making Harry smile "Daisy where on earth were you?!" Robin said as Daisy giggled "I saw my friend Jenny and we both went to the park and had a tea party!" 

"Seems she had more fun then we did" Harry stated as Robin smiled "well we better head back before Evelyn comes to pick Daisy up" Harry nodded before taking Daisy's hand and all 3 walked back.

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