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As they headed inside Harry and Daisy went off to find themselves a table meanwhile Robin went off to ask for the ice creames leaving Harry and Daisy sitting opposite too eachothers.

Daisy was on her tablet as Harry was just wondering off "wait! I don't want the strawberry flavour!" She said as Harry looked towards the girl "well what made you change your mind so sudden? Robin's already buying the flavours"

"But... I want bubble gum! Could you please just ask Birdie if I could have bubblegum?" Daisy asked as Harry sighed but nodded "well come on then" Harry said as Daisy shrugged "I don't wanna go! I might miss the best ending!"

Harry stared at her "well I can't just leave you alone, can I?", "but I'm a big girl! I take care of myself!" 

"Fine, but you have to stay HERE" Harry said making himself clear as Daisy nodded "I aint going nowhere!" Harry looked unsure but eventually went over to Robin "Harry? Aren't you suppose to stay with Daisy?" 

Harry shrugged "she wanted me to uhm tell you she wants bubble gum and not strawberry" Robin stared blankly "she just made up her mind now?" Harry nodded "well alright I'll get that" Robin says before he's called up next.

"Right erm could I get one Vanilla, one Mint and one Bubble gum" he says as the guy working at the register nodded before both wait for the ice creams to get done.

When the ice creams were done Harry carried the Chocolate and the Bubble gum while Robin carried the Mint as both got back to the table.

"Uhm.. Harry, are you sure this is the table? Daisy isn't erm.. here" Robin said as Harry's eyes widened "yes of course it's table number 23" and Daisy's tablet is on the chair afterall.." 

"Oh shit.. is she in the bathroom or something?!" Robin asked before Harry shook his head "we would've seen"

Both stared at eachother within realisation "fucking hell we got to go find him!" Robin says as Robin sets his ice cream pot down and quickly puts the tablet in the girl's bag before signaling Harry to come with him.

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