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The next day came around as Harry walked into the cafe suprisingly early, as he came in the small bell rung as some of the staff eyed him down allerted he was there.

But Harry felt.. uneased, he noticed everyone was whispering to eachother and giving him a disgusted look as if he killed an infant.

Harry just bit his tongue within confusion as he spotted Evelyn in complete shock and disbelief at what was on her phone, making Harry slightly intrigued as he came towards her to find answers.

"Hey" Harry said as Evelyn almost dropped her phone mid-air before looking up at him "why's everyone acting strange?" He asked as Evelyn just looked nervously at him, something was going on for sure.

"You didn't see it?" She asked as Harry got slightly anxious at the reply "see what? Oh fuck did I accidently write something on the groupchat, is that why I got kicked out?"

"It's not what you sent.. it's what Amber did," Harry stared within disbelief "whta do you mean?"

Evelyn didn't dare to speak and instead just showed him the groupchat of what Amber sent, his eyes stared in shock as he saw Amber rant on about firstly, him being gay and liking his own bestfriend while they were in a 'ReLaTiOn ShIp' and secound that he was abusive during it. 

Harry said nothing, he didn't move or even breath for a secound, how could Amber do such a thing.

He took a screenshot and sent it to himself before placing the phone back on the counter as Evelyn picked and then walked towards  Amber, who was chatting to someone.

"Amber, can we speak for a moment?" Harry asked as Amber nodded slightly and just gave a little wave the person as they stared at Harry in disgustment.

Harry brang Amber  towards the room where staff took breaks every now and then and just death glared her "cat got your tongue?" She said smiling maliciously.

"Shut up with the jokes, what did you do?" Harry asked firmly as Amber just tilted her head slightly "I don't know what you mean hun" Harry stared at her with disbelief.

"You KNOW what you did! Evelyn showed me" he said taking out his phone to show Amber "course she did" her voice slightly intimidated Harry, he'd never seen Amber like this.

"Why did you do it? You know I don't want anyone other then you and Evelyn to find out about me liking Robin!" 

"And we were never in an official relation ship in the first place, you know I asked you to help me to try and chase away my feeling for Robin!"

"Wanna know why I did it?" She said grinning as Harry just glanced at her waiting for a response "because that should've been me! Not that lil faggot" 

"Do NOT call Robin a faggot you bitch!" Harry said gripping her shirt as she stared at him "I'll call him what I want, now listen here, either you date me and I'll tell everyone it was misunderstanding, or continue calling me bitch and I'll tell the whole faculty your the reason of my cuts on my wrist and knuckles"

"Your choice", "I will NEVER date someone as disgraceful as you!" Amber just grinned at him, she was definitly up to something, something bad.


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