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"Hm.. sorry about that, let's just say it was a short malfunction" the tall lady said calmy as Harry backed up closer to the wall before glancing at her.

She didn't seem.. fully human, almost half even, she had stiches all over her face up to about her neck, she wore a thick coat with symbols on it, a red bow tie, white gloves and white and blue trousers.

"Who.. are you?"Harry asked sweating slightly "my name is Lesley silly, thought atleast you out of the lot would know" she replied "why.. are you here, are you another one of those shitty teachers?"

"Well I wouldn't say my own creations are foolish, but I suppose everyone has their own oppinion Harry" Harry stared at her within shock of how she knew his name or what she ment by her creations.

"Your.. creations?" Harry said in a confused tone as Lesley started laughing like a maniac giving him chills down his spine "why are you laughing? What so amusing?!"

Her laugh came too a stop after a few secounds and stared at him before smiling malicously "oh it's just so FUNNY" she said with a more angry tone "don't you see Harry, I'm the one who made your stupid little dream come true"

"Tch, you were always the worst one of the three, always braking the fourth wall, always disobediant, I sometimes wish I got rid of you earlier"

"Wait.. you, David's mother?" Lesley smilled wickidly "I suppose you get it now" 

"But I do suppose you've helped me long enough, so how about I repay the favor" she said before sticking her hand out for Harry "you've helped me, so let me help you" Harry stared reluctantly.

"Why, what would I possible need you help you phycho!" Harry said "think about it, ever since you escaped you've wanted 3 things, 1. to have your family back"

"2. to have Doi back and 3."

"To have Robin" she said as Harry didn't know what to do at that point  "come with me and I'll make all of those, what do you say?"

"Why should I trust you, you witch!" Harry said as she chuckled "don't try to think I've done nothing for you, afterall you did get your very own show"

Harry looked towards the floor speachless and in full confusment "while you 3 were stuck there, I made you so called prison useful, hundreds of people love the little show and love to make all kinds theory's about it"

"So, then what do you say?" 

"I..." Harry couldn't answer "what will happen to the world I'm living in now?" He asked "well it'll just shrivel in your memory I suppose"

Harry backed away from her "no, I won't do it" he said hesitanly as Lesley stared at him mad "tch, clever boy, you always were the smartest"

Lesley slowly turned around and walked away before abructly stopping "don't think this is our last encounter, there will be many more Harry"

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