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Reality had always had its perks, however at this point all felt rather strange? It had only been a few days being freed from that joyful prison, and gosh it did in fact feel relieving for Harry, however he was now.. Alone, and it also was very strange being in such a lifelike world, there was no longer any talking objects what so ever sign of life, now nothing had no texture and everything was no longer just 1 colour it was now combined in  every colour in some ways.

But all wasn't bad, Harry managed to rent a small apartment big enough for about 2 people with some random remaining money in his wallet, and he found himself rather a friend, her name was Amber Jones, she was quite nice though could be strange sometimes but helped Harry get a job as a barista, but Harry still felt strange.. like something or maybe even someone was missing.

Harry slowly walked out of the Red phone booth in dissapointment that no one answered but what else could he had expected? He was trying to reach into what he pressumed was another alternate dimension or something..  but he had to know how Robin and Doi were doing, what if something bad happened to them? What if- his sudden trail of thoughts stopped as he heard the small ring from the little bell that hung above the frail door entering the small cafe in order to start his morning shift.

Amber's eyes slowly followed him as he slowly came over, "Morning red head" Amber chuckled as her Hazel eyes stared into Harry's.

"Morning Amber" Harry replied with a soft smile. 

"So today you will be working as the cashier while me and Evelyn will work on make the orders alright?" Harry nodded as he came around the back and put his rubbish work uniform which already had coffee stains on it, but what could he do? They could only wash them every so often since his idiotic manager was a selfish guy who barely did anything to help.

As Harry fineshed up putting on his uniform he strutted over to the front to take in some customers orders, thank god his shift ended earlier since it was a Sunday, so he'd only be sticking about for about 2 and a half hours instead of basically all day in this madness but of course even on sunday's he couldn't be peacful with about 25% of the customers comming in were either taking like almost a decade too decide on a simple order, Harry thought before his head shot towards the door like a bullet as soon as  he heard the small ring of the bell that stood above the Cafe's door. 

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