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As Harry swiftly closes the door he looks down towards the young girl not knowing what to say since the only child he did really take care of was Doi.

As he just gave an awkward smile Daisy looked at him unintrested making Harry sigh, "who was at the door?" Robin yelled out turning his head within shock as he noticed the girl "since when were you a dad"

"Evelyn needed me to take care of her friend's daughter untill morning" Robin stared slightly confused and awkward "well uhm it's nice to meet you? I guess.." Harry knew Robin had no idea on how to take care of a child or how to even talk to one.

Daisy looked at Robin with abit more intrest as she waddled towards him "are you some sort of mutated prince? Is that why your hair is green? Were you a birdie who transformed into a human like.. the princess and the frog?" Daisy flooded him with thousands, no BILLIONS of questions as Harry chuckled.

"Excuse me.. princess and the tod? I have never heard of that and no I'm not a mutated uhm prince" he replied as he stared towards Harry in annoyance "seems like she likes you" he said giving out another short laugh.

"Not helping, actually may we uhm.. talk about this?" Robin said directing his eyes towards Daisy and back as Harry got the idea "don't worry I won't tell anyone! Not unless you want me too..." she said giggling as Harry just sighed as both entered the bedroom.

Robin sat on the bed as Harry continued to stand up looking down to Robin "Harry, you KNOW I'm not fond of children, they really scare me" Robin said as Harry just sat next to him "look I know we haven't really dealt with an actual child for a while but, maybe it something we should look forward too, plus she seems innocent"

Robin shrugged "I don't know, I've had a 6 year old attack me and it was NOT fun at ALL" Robin stated as Harry chuckled "also what the hell is a princess and a trod, or fog?" Harry laughed slightly.

"You'll know soon enough, but really what are you exactly worried about, I mean it is one night, and a morning" Robin sighed "I'm not used too taking care of anyone other than Doi, plus what if my old habits kick in and I treat her like how I treated Doi?" 

"Example?" Harry asked "what if I tell her to shut up? Or if I slap the back of her head with a newspaper? Or call her a fu-"Robin said before being inturupted by Harry's hand covering his mouth.

"Ok you're right, but uhm try to bond with her, she obviously likes you for a reason" Robin bit his lips before looking over to the half closed door spotting the girl playing with her stuffed unicorn unbothered at all.

"Right, ok then I GUESS I'll try" Robin said as Harry smiled before standing up and slightly pulling Robin by the wrist to make hin stand up too "then try now" he said pulling Robin towards the living room both being greeted by Daisy.

"Can you get my bag please?" She asked as Harry remembered her having two bags and him placing them nearby the entrance of the door "oh yeah sure" he said walking over to grab the bag as Robin just stared at her.

"Hi..?" He said as she noticed his awkwardness "want to have a tea party?" Daisy asked as Robin leaned across from her before sitting down.

"Sure" he said as she just gave a pleased smile.

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