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Morning finally hit as Harry stood up from his bed and walked over to his bathroom to brush his teeth, which no longer were sharp, pointy, monstrous like teeth anymore.

He walked over and poured himself a glass of water to boost his hygene up when he noticed his phone on charge and went over to grab it as he read the upcomming notification making him drop his phone in pure shock before quickly grabbing it once again, could it really be? Harry grinned as he read the message suddenly realising it was from yesterday and tried to call back but it went on an allert telling him Robin's batttery was low.

 But in realisation this was probably his only chance reunited with Robin,Harry started sprinting over to his closet getting ready to run out and try to find Robin.

Finally getting his jacket and shoes on he headed out trying to find something left over that could lead him to Robin since as much as he hated to admit it, he did feel something for Robin.

Robin sprung up feeling tired as hell from tossing and turning all night suddenly realising a buzz from his phone looking at the notification as his eyes dialated in exitement, Harry was actually here! Thank the lord, Robin wanted to scream with joy before noticing a quick reminder from his phone saying it have low battery "1%?!?!" Robin screamed as eyes flung towards him. 

He HAD to find somewhere to go and charge his phone!! And fast, he spotted a small cafe and sprinted towards it flinging the door open as a loud ring from above the door made everyone shot their heads at Robin as he fled towards the front.

"Hello?!" Robin called out to Evelyn as she hurried over to him and took a small notebook "hello how may I help you sir?" she said "do you guys have a charger?" Robin replied as Evelyn gave a small chuckle "uhm this is a cafe not an apple store", "I dont care about this shitty cafe, do you have a charger or not?" Robin said as Evelyn went to the back to get a smal box with some dozens of unused or lost chargers and heavily placed them on the table.

"Wil this be enough, SIR?"  She said with a more sassy tone, "Yes." Robin said as he snached the box and ran over to a small table scrambling through the box trying to find something that would fit finally finding a quite outdated apple charger and tried to slam it onto the  outlet as people watched in suspicion.

"Fucks sake this godamn thing is not working!" Robin said while wanting to cry, and slammed his head softly on the table as one of the waitress came over.

"Um sir are you alright?" It was the same waitress he spoke to "No! This shitty phone won't charge and I need it to find my um..friend, " Robin aggressivly said as Evelyn slowly pitied him.

"Well I suppose i could try to help you, well I don't have a charger for your phone but I might know whom your friend is? I mean like they might come every so often" She said as Robin realised one thing, no one could miss Harry's bright red hair, or what Robin pressumed was a red headed Harry since himself had green curls like his old feathers "He is a red head, can't miss him" Evelyn turned to Amber realising who it could be "like from a red head do you mean a ginger or?", "No proper red head, and is named 'Harry".

"He works here." She replied "REALLY?!" Robin said in shock "Well where is he?!" he said in a shaky voice, "Bud the only thing I know about that dickhead is that he only works on wednesday, sunday, thursday,and saterday's so unfortunitley he ain't here today" Robins face turned from dissapointment to almost delighted "could you tell him I was here?" He spoke in a hopeful voice "fine anyways you gonna buy something?", "Nope I have no money anyways.. but um thanks! I'll go now!" Robin said as he sprinted out of there before being stopped by no one other then Evelyn again "Wait. Ugh here is my number so that i can try to call you when it's his next shift so make sure to get something to charge your crappy phone alright?" Evelyn said "Got it!" Robin smiled and walked out.

"What was that all about?" Amber asked as Evelyn came back "some friend of Harry", "Harry the one who works here?" Amber said sounding almost digusting of the thought of Harry being friends with such a 'strange' person "Yup the one and only, strange right?" Evelyn chuckled "well why was he even in a hurry?", "He needed to find Harry for some reasoning" Evelyn said before getting back to work.


Harry searched in every alleyway and streets known in London but found nothing, gosh why was it so hard to spot a green head.. but who knows maybe he'll get a call or something- he suddenly snached his phone out of his pocket to see who it was in hope of it being Robin.

But no instead he wanted to roll his eyes as for it was no one else but Evelyn.

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