New Years Eve 2007 (discontinued)

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Thats it I'm the last one my secret died with Ryan, our secret is just mine to keep now. Four people from different lives only Ryan and I knew each other in that group, Andy a firefighters daughter, Ryan a corrupt business mans son, Jack the schools golden basketball boy and Rose the cheer captain. All one thing in common they were in tutor together with Holden Ness the mayors son, he was friendly enough but when he dropped dead and was poisoned with only them four in at that moment (a mix of flu and they were early) they were suddenly all murder suspects. Infuriated by police miss handling they started investigating themselves leading them to them finding out Andy's boyfriend Eddie poisoned Holden because he wanted to keep Andy to himself. Andy blamed herself for years she was dumping Eddie to be with Holden. They chased him out to the woods trying to get him to confess but he had a gun, he tried to kill them Andy first getting her in the side and then Ryan in the shoulder before Rose tackled him giving Andy enough time to grab the gun and shoot. Petrified as they hadn't found proof yet of what Eddie had done they hid his body on Jack's boat and Andy patched them up at the firehouse while they were all asleep after a call, that was lucky.

One by one the group diminished Rose went first building collapse while was in university, Jack followed killed in action whilst serving in Afghanistan, Ryan by that kid a few weeks before leaving just Andy with the secret of what really happened at that New Years Party 2007. 

Sorry guys can't finish this as its lost in my drafts, don't even remember the prompt 😂. Ironically watching The Scooby Doo Project a parody of the Blair Witch Project while searching/watching this. 

I think I was going to go down the direction of survivors guilt haunting Andy/the family harassing her about it. Then it would have ended one of two ways; with Andy going psychotic and confessing, or its revealed that Andy's a serial killer and Eddie was just her first victim but she kills herself before she gets caught leaving behind a single letter to 19.

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