Regardless of Circumstance

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Happy update day and new year!it's been a while!! Sorry about that

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Happy update day and new year!

it's been a while!! Sorry about that. I had some bad holidays :( I was sick, not very happy and not enjoying much, so I was lacking some serious inspiration. I am happy to report I'm feeling much better mentally and physically. I think I just needed a break from existing for a while there. Needless to say, I'M GLAD TO BE BACK!!

This chapter really was the medicine for my soul. It just soothed me, if that makes sense? I like to think it soothed Penny's soul too (Snape not so BUT I CAN HONESTLY SAY IT WAS NICE. What can I say, new year new me?? haha.

nah, but I think we all deserve to start the year with some fluff SO PLEASE ENJOY my loves!!


Though she was still annoyed with her twin, Penny pushed aside her irritation long enough to divulge to him what she and Lupin would be embarking on over the Easter holiday. Surprisingly, he, Ron and Hermione's sentiments mirrored Snape's, and they advised her against going. Penny did her best to make a show of hearing them out and weighing their arguments, but in the end the decision was hers.

Hers and no one else's. And she'd already made it.

She was decided. Whatever the consequences, she had to know, for herself—and Snape, even though he remained vehemently against the idea.

So the next morning Penny rose early, her things packed the night before. She kissed her twin goodbye as he frowned at her, green eyes searching for someway to make her change her mind.

"I'll be fine, Harry," she assured him.

"Just—" he started, sighing in defeat, "Take everything he says with a healthy dose of skepticism. Please."

"What, do you take me for, gullible?" she huffed.

"Please, Penny," he frowned, evidently wanting to convey how serious he was.

"Okay, dear brother," Penny agreed with a shake of her head. "I promise," she added when he did not look the least bit placated. "And you try and have a quiet holiday, won't you?"

Scowling, he pushed her toward the portrait hole, Penny zipping her jacket as she stepped through, making her way through the slumbering castle lazily seeing as she was a bit early to meet Lupin, but much too eager to wait around any longer.

Soon everyone would rise, loud and excited to return to their homes to enjoy the two week break, Malfoy among them.

Penny hadn't been able to find him after his outburst in Potions, hadn't been able to make sure he was okay. Guilt welled in her chest as she wondered what the break would entail for him, stuck in that manor with that monster and all his servants. But she pushed the horrible thought to the back of her mind as she stepped into the Entrance Hall, taking a seat on a bench against the wall as she waited for Lupin.

It was exciting, in some morbid way, the adventure before them. Traipsing across a world Penny had never seen before, and into a prison most would never set eyes on—a villain inside waiting for her. What would he be like? Penny had never really imagined anything more than cold and murderous, but her time with the Death Eaters had taught her that evil was much more nuanced and varying than she ever realized.

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