The Cheerful Potions Master

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Penny Potter could have never imagined the way her life would turn out

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Penny Potter could have never imagined the way her life would turn out. She was the younger twin sister of Harry Potter, had grown up with him at their aunt and uncle's on Privet Drive and never knew she was a witch until her and Harry's Hogwarts letters arrived the year they turned eleven. It had been a magical year, learning about who their parents truly were and finding their home at Hogwarts. Both Penny and Harry were sorted into Gryffindor, they become closer, but also more independent. Harry found instant friends in Ron and Hermione. The three were inseparable. Everyone whispered when Harry walked by, he was after all, the boy who lived. And Penny, well she was just his twin sister. She had survived because Voldemort died trying to kill Harry.

It was strange having grown up in a normal life, never knowing how famous Harry was, to then be be transported to such a different reality. She always knew her twin was special, had loved him fiercely and felt for his annoyance being the center of attention. She understood why he clung to his close friends, commanding such deep devotion, but it didn't mean she hadn't been jealous. Needless to say, it had been an adjustment, going from being Harry's best friend to a secondary thought. Everyone worried about the boy who lived. It had made Penny determined, she would do all she could to be worthy to stand beside her favorite person.

Penny was a bit more sociable than Harry, being charismatic "like her father," as many people liked to remind her. Unlike Harry, Penny had no close friends, but she did have many friends. No one turned down her company so she made a habit of being the entertainer, giving her a name throughout Hogwarts, one only Fred and George rivaled. Her peers liked her, even the Slytherins, they seemed not to think of her as a 'Potter,' (which was in and of itself, still irritating.) Her flare for drama helped her popularity, motivating her to set up the Hogwarts drama club early in her time at Hogwarts, after some of her followers had begged her upon visiting her live readings, where she would narrate various muggle tales. Everyone loved to listen to her renditions, and she practiced often. Professor Dumbledore asked her to read a Christmas Story to the small gathering of people who remained at Hogwarts over Christmas break in their first year. He complimented her fiercely, and even Professor Snape seemed to have nothing negative to say. Penny Potter found her place at Hogwarts, and it sufficed to keep her content.

It was the first day of her fourth year and she settled down for double potions. Her red hair fell over her shoulder. She examined it, thinking of how often people told her she was a clone of her mother. She looked towards the back of the classroom, searching for Harry, who was known to look like their father, James. She wondered what it had been like for James, entering his fourth year, what his dreams had been. She smiled at Harry and turned to face forward. Harry had Ron and Hermione sitting on either side of him, trying to hide from the view of Snape, who always seemed to have a grudge against Harry. Penny sat alone towards the front of the classroom. The front was usually occupied by the Slytherins whom Snape obviously favored. Penny knew Harry couldn't stand it, but Penny had an easy time ignoring it, but Snape never harassed her the way he harassed Harry. Interestingly, she found Snape left Harry alone more often when she sat away from him, and nearer the front. Something about the sight of them side by side grated on his nerves.

Her location didn't bother her and people never minded taking the space next to her, from either house. It was generally pleasant to have people coming and going, but she never did travel in a set group, like most of her peers. Today, Malfoy sat beside her.

"Penny, have you heard the Triwizard Tournament is being held here this year," he said in a drawl.

"What's that?" she asked.

"I always forget about your upbringing," he said, glancing back at Harry.

"What a charming thing for you to say" she said sardonically.

He smiled at her, she knew he always found her to be amusing, even though he tried very hard to be bored with most of Hogwarts.

"It's an international competition between schools. My father says only the best wizards from each school are chosen."

"And witches," she corrected him.

"Are you planning on entering then," he smirked.

"I daresay the wizarding world could do with a female champion," she said, her eyes gleaming.

"Quiet down, out with your summer homework" Snape said, moving through tables and sweeping essays away with a flick of his wand.

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