The Likes of Theodore Nott

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WARNING: Alright, I know some readers do not like reading things other than their ship, so fair warning PENNY KISSES SOMEONE WHO ISN'T SNAPE LUPIN OR CEDRIC in this chapter. So proceed accordingly. It's nothing serious or graphic, but it is her first kiss since Cedric!!


"Why does it hurt so much," Penny said in a raspy voice that she did not recognize as her own. She opened her eyes, her hands finding their way to her horrendously stiff neck. She tried to move it from side-to-side but it screamed in pain, trapped at the odd angle she'd been sleeping in.

Blinking back tears, she shook her foot, which was full of pins and needles because it was horribly asleep. To make matters worse, the world around Penny was definitely tilting when it shouldn't be. A dark figure stepped into her vision, blocking the warmth from the uncharacteristically robust fire.

Snape looked down on her taking in her pathetic state with an approving sneer.

"I think this is it, I'm officially dying this time," she groaned, her head throbbing right above her left eyeball.

"Decided to return to the land of living did we? Good, your snoring was growing tiresome."

"I don't snore!" Penny said incredulously.

"I beg to differ."

"Well I beg to differ your differ?" she said, trying to focus on Snape but failing miserably. "Why must everything keep spinning, and why does it hurt so much?"

"You have reaped the rewards of your inability to exercise any self-control. I'm curious, how much did you drink, Potter?" he said, placing the back of his hand against her cheek and resting it there a moment to ascertain her temperature. Dissatisfied with it, he bent in close to her, peering into her eyeballs before moving to her pulse next.

"Too much, I drank too much, I don't even remember. . ." Penny trailed off, sitting up suddenly and regretting the movement very much because it made her feel suddenly nauseous. "Hang on, how did I even end up here?" she asked, realizing for the first time she was sitting in a very uncomfortable chair in Snape's office.

"Are you telling me you drank until you blacked out," he said, his voice shaking ever so slightly.

"No! It's all just a bit of a blur. I'm not really sure in what order things happened, but I can remember it all!" Penny said, drooping back into her chair.

"Then tell me what you do remember," he said, his fingers lingering on her neck a moment as he tried to keep his voice even and failing miserably.

"You're just trying to get me to snitch, aren't you! I won't do it. I was entrusted with the secret and landing everyone in detention would be social suicide!" Penny accused, waving her finger dramatically at him.

"Spare me your theatrics, I am not interested in the other reprobates who reside within these walls. And even if I was, I need only to give you a few drops of veritaserum to obtain what I desire," said Snape, a cruel grin twisting the side's of his thin lips.

"That's not very ethical of you," Penny scowled.

"Nor is lying to your Professor."

Pushing his hand away, Penny pulled the blanket up to her nose, as though it would somehow hide her from the retribution of her Potions Master. "Then why are you asking me?" she said, eyeing him suspiciously.

"You will serve detention with me for the next month for being out of bed and being intoxicated on school grounds. However, the nature of those detentions will be determined by your forthcomingness," he said with that gloating look of his, the one that reminded Penny how much the evil man loved relishing in the power differences between the two.

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