The Guest of Honor

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When day broke across the ocean before them, Penny seemed to wake from a trance, her hand reaching into her pocket and remembering that Tonks had confiscated what she'd apparently become so reliant on

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When day broke across the ocean before them, Penny seemed to wake from a trance, her hand reaching into her pocket and remembering that Tonks had confiscated what she'd apparently become so reliant on. With a yawn and a stretch, Penny watched the pinkish glow move its way into the sky, sending streaks across what had been emptiness moments prior.

Turning to her left she found dark eyes, they betrayed no tiredness, surveying her as the sun made it across the sea to hit her face and blind her. Squinting from the brightness on top of furrowing her brow quizzically, she watched him, having the distinct feeling that something was lingering in the air between them. But whatever it was never left his lips, and breaking away from her he got to his feet, offering her a hand when he'd straightened.

Utterly baffled by the polite gesture and wondering momentarily if Snape was actually Snape or someone doing an awful job at being Snape, she accepted his hand.

"Am I free to go or are you still holding me hostage?" said Penny.

Glancing away momentarily, he clung to her hand a little tighter as she tried to pull it free. "We have breakfast plans."

"We? And when exactly was the me in this we going to get a say in these mystery plans?"

"You weren't."

"And why's that?" Penny said, eyes narrowed.

"Because the Dark Lord does not take no for an answer. Now come, we mustn't keep him waiting and you still need to change."

"Hard pass—" Penny said, trying to squirm away, but Snape had already disapparated with her in tow. "Hey! Excuse me but need I remind you that you can't just toss your student at the feet of your master anytime you feel like it!" Penny argued, trying to dig her feet into the ground, but it did nothing to stop him tugging her over the threshold of Spinners End.

"I assure you, Potter, I take no pleasure in the task, and given the choice would all too gladly not witness whatever suicidal whim you throw yourself at during this event, but as it stands, I have as little say in the matter as you. There is clothing for you upstairs courtesy of the host," Snape said, a tone of finality in his voice.

As irritated as Penny was about the predicament, she begrudgingly accepted Snape's word without argument, knowing full well he would have done all in his power to keep her as far from the Dark Lord as he could, had that been an option. Meaning, the situation was perhaps more precarious for him than she normally gave him credit for.

Sighing in irritation, she made her way upstairs and into the room that had once been hers, and on her neatly made bed was a large white box wrapped in an absurdly decorative bow. Inside Penny found a long black dress that made her scowl. Putting it on, she couldn't help the groan that followed as she looked down on an almost completely bare chest.

It should not have surprised her that Lord Voldemort would want to parade her like some object, but it felt no less repulsive. The black number's sleeves rested off her shoulders, allowing the front to cut deep through her cleavage making her feel like some Greek Goddess. It was evident to Penny that the purpose was to ensure her mark was on full display, a symbol of the Dark Lord's ownership. The rest of the dress was quite form fitting and the material oddly light and breathable, extending into a small vertically pleated skirt that stopped just shy of her toes. Even if she was going to be in danger of exposing her boobs all day, at least she could sit comfortably.

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