Insufferable or Irresistible?

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Hey friends!I made it back to the usual update! YAY

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Hey friends!I made it back to the usual update! YAY.This week I indulged in a long chapter all about slice of life because nothing makes me feel more like being cozy and reading some slice of life than being back at Hogwarts! (And the start of fall) I'm also not totally prepared for what the sixth year brings and want to hang on to happiness for as long as possible. So please enjoy this playful chapter, I missed Penny and Snape at odds. ❤️Happy week!


Penny recognized the ethereal, glittering path before them. Seeing it made her take a step back, glancing at Dumbledore in confusion as she went. Surely he had not intended to bring her here?

"Sir, are you sure we should be here?"

"Ah, well that depends. Sometimes we find ourselves at a crossroad of the things we should do and should not do. I find myself more inclined to partake in the doing rather than avoiding," Dumbledore said, waving his wand again and returning himself to his normal deep blue robes.

"You're aware they want to imprison me, right?" Penny said, cursing her luck for garnering the attention of this bizarre man.

"I believe Remus mentioned that, yes," Dumbledore said pleasantly as he turned to head down the path that led to Valaki. "Given your present company, there is no danger of that today."

The statement made Penny want to laugh but then she remembered Albus Dumbledore was the most talented wizard alive and then even Voldemort was afraid of facing him, he was allowed to be a little cocky. Trying to remind herself that at least this excursion meant she would not have to ride the Hogwarts Express, Penny followed after Dumbledore, a flood of emotions threatening to overwhelm her the nearer she got to those stones.

"Your father was an extraordinarily stubborn man, a trait Professor Snape is adamant he passed down to you," said Dumbledore as though he knew exactly what it was her mind was mulling over in the silence. "Having had the privilege of knowing James, I found the quality to be much more a testament to his character than fault. He never failed to surprise me with his unusual ability to make happen that which he set his mind to. When he was taken from us much sooner than he ought to have, I foolishly believed he was through surprising me. I should have known that James Potter would not allow even the grave to stop him from ensuring that your gift received the care it was due."

Glancing sideways, Penny remained silent. She did not quite understand what her headmaster was trying to say, but she was familiar enough with his mysterious, if not frustrating ways, to know he had more to say, so she waited.

"That is why I must confess the reasons I brought you here today are two-fold. While I have no doubt you will be able to help me procure our new student, I would like to also endeavor to move forward with what I believe was James' plan all along and see that you receive instruction in your seer abilities."

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