The Immovable, Unfeeling Creature

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A/N: Hey all

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A/N: Hey all. Sorry for the delay on an update. I just graduate college (yay!) So I was taking exams, and you know, sleeping haha. But here on out my schedule will be more consistent :).

We are almost like 200k into the Order of the Phoenix, so things are quickly wrapping up:( that means nice things will die a horrible death. And the rest of this book will not be the nicest, but I have some epic stuff planned, so please enjoy and thanks for hanging with me!


"I'm fine," Penny insisted, sitting up.

"You most assuredly are not fine, Potter, you're bleeding."

"I've got 5 liters of the stuff, I'm sure I'll survive without this bit," Penny said, wiping her nose absentmindedly.

Her head was still throbbing but the weird vision was gone, and she could use her limbs again, a great improvement as far as she was concerned. What wasn't working as well as she would like was her brain, it was moving as slowly as a turtle and was reluctant to allow her to recall any details of what she'd just witnessed. But what was actually concerning Penny was why she had the vision in the first place. Normally, Penny and Harry had to consciously open the connection between them for anything to be shared, but this time was different. She'd known it was Harry, she'd sensed him as though he'd been sitting right beside her, but he didn't seem to have noticed her, it was almost as if he'd been a bystander to another. But how could they have entered another consciousness? Part of Penny almost felt like Harry's mind had wandered too far out of his own and the tether that connected his to hers had run out of proverbial rope and ultimately ended up dragging Penny along into the eye of that snake.

The snake! That snake hadn't just been any snake, Penny was sure of it. She knew that snake, it was Nagini, Voldemort's pet, an awful beast that had eaten that man alive. But what was Nagini doing at the Department of Mysteries, and better yet, why and how did Harry end up in her mind? These were all perplexing questions that Penny wanted the answers to, so she made to get to her feet, but a well placed hand on her chest by Snape forced her back down again, reminding Penny a very disgruntled Snape had no intention of letting her go.

"Can we not do this right now? I need to find Harry," Penny said, impatiently, her thoughts far from the man before her and the dim chambers they currently occupied and instead trying to locate Harry, which was proving a much harder task than she anticipated. Her head gave an angry throb in protest, sending another stream of blood down her nose.

The pulsing vein in Snape's neck and the stiff hand that offered her something to stem the stream told her she'd been carelessly rude and that there was a better chance of hell freezing over than Snape letting her run off to her brother's waiting arms. Perhaps it would have been wiser not to mention Harry, but she could hardly take it back now.

"If you didn't want to do this right now, perhaps you should have thought about that before whoring yourself out to the entire Slytherin common room!" he said, furiously.

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