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"I've never done anything like this before

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"I've never done anything like this before. I feel a little silly," Penny admitted, opening one eye to peer at Adrian, who smiled back at her.

"You wouldn't feel silly if you were not so easily distracted," Adrian chided.

"How can you accuse me of being distracted when I don't know what I'm supposed to be focusing on. Everything is so loud, it is impossible to distinguish the things you're describing."

"Hmm, it must be your expression. From the little I understand your pathways are connected to much more than the average person. Think of it as causing interference. Maybe it would be better if I helped you."

"You can do that? I kind of figured being a seer was a solo gig."

"If that were true, my family would be out of the job. But our ability to share is limited in most cases except ours. Guides do not have such limitations due to the strength of the magic that binds them to their pupil."

"It really would have been nice if someone mentioned that before letting me sign up," Penny said, an edge to her voice.

Adrian's bright features furrowed. "It was not my intent to mislead you."

"Oh, I didn't mean you! Of course I don't blame you. I just think a certain headmaster may have strategically withheld some pertinent information," Penny said sourly.

A stifled snort made Penny turn and glare at Snape, who was standing at the window across the room, his arms folded. He was not looking at them, but rather gazing out the window at the grounds below.

Still upset with Snape after his little power trip over the amortentia, Penny turned decidedly away from him. Why could Dumbledore not have assigned Professor McGonagall to supervise these sessions? It would have been a much less irritating endeavor.

"Honest," Penny pressed when Adrian's features remained concerned. "Whatever you have to show me, I want to learn."

Nodding, Adrian scooted forward, his hand finding her shoulder. "It would be best if you laid down for this," he said, guiding her backward onto the floor. She felt the chill of the floor, even through her robes and it sent goosebumps shooting down her bare legs.

"Now, close your eyes," he said, sitting cross legged beside her, his hand taking a gentle hold of hers while his finger found the inside of her wrist. His touch was like a furnace compared to Penny's and very welcome. While she still wasn't used to the over-familiarity Adrian approached her with, he was starting to grow on her. So she closed her eyes, eager to finally make some progress.

"What part of six feet apart at all times did you find confusing, Mr. Martikov?" intruded Snape's cold voice.

Penny's eyes opened reluctantly to find Snape glowering over them. Maybe if she just kept them closed he would go away. Alas, Penny's mouth lacked all restraint or common sense that might have helped her avoid an argument.

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