A Toast

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Welcome to Penny's sixth year!!


Her head down, hoodie pulled over, fully aware it was much too warm for such a garment, Penny continued down the dark streets, the welcome summer rain hitting the bare skin of her leg and cooling her. To her right, a man whistled, his friends calling after her as she sped past, her feet moving through London almost mechanically, her mind trying its best not to settle on a single thought. Normally, she would walk these streets with music blaring in her ear, but at this time of night she needed to be aware of anyone who might approach her.

Taking a right on Byward street, she glanced over her shoulder, a creeping up her spine making her feel someone was following her, but her eyes only found an empty street so she continued, checking her watch and cursing, she was late. Speeding up, she arrived in less than ten minutes, stopping in front of an old shop-face, whose windows were boarded up, the word 'condemned' roughly spray painted over it and an old sign hanging on one hinge reading The Rose and Crown

Pulling out her wand, she stepped up to the faded gnome statue that sat beside the door, knelt down and poked its eye with her wand. A moment later, someone pushed the door open, a tall burly man with dark hair and a prominent bald spot saying "You're late."

"Yeah yeah," she said, pushing past him into the loud pub.

Weaving through people wearing robes of all sorts of colors holding steaming and bubbling tankards and glasses, she avoided their glances. She was dressed like a muggle, making her stick out like a sore thumb, but she didn't care, she'd found what she was looking for. Pushing the hood from her head and freeing her red hair, she leaned over to feel the cheek of the person passed out on the table, a beer still clutched in his hand.
"Remus?" Penny said gently, brushing his hair from his sweaty face. "I need you to wake up, love," she continued, placing a kiss on his cheek, that tight ball in her chest squirming defiantly as she looked down at him. She didn't know why, but everyday she allowed herself to hope today would be the last, that Remus would round that bend, bringing the man she knew and loved back to her. But everyday she found him here, buried ever deeper in his pit of despair.

Someone cleared their throat from behind her, jarring her from her thoughts.

"Yes, Olly?" she said impatiently.

"His tab."

Reaching in her pocket she fished out a galleon and shoved it into the man's calloused hand.

"That ain't gonna cover it."

"Are you blind, that's a galleon!"

"And he's been here since noon."

"Whatever happened to cutting someone off!"

"Why would I when you always pay?" Olly grinned.

"Get the hell out of here, Olly, before I hex you," she said, angrily handing over three more sickels.

I Was Younger ThenWhere stories live. Discover now