An Oversight

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Professor McGonagall was too distracted by the group of Durmstrang students that accompanied Penny to notice her tardiness. In fact, she awarded Penny five points to Gryffindor for helping them find their way. Apparently, as part of the 'relations' the Triwizard Tournament was intended to create, groups of students were asked to join Hogwarts' classrooms to foster an environment for friendships to kindle.

"She vas very helpful," Krum said politely about Penny, who tried to inch awkwardly away from the limelight.

The classroom was all eyes forward, entranced by the quidditch star, (and shooting daggers at Penny for her luck in running into him.)

"Ms. Potter never fails to find a moment to help her peers," Professor McGonagall said, while beckoning the Gryffindors to make room for the new students.

"Potter?" Krum said, voice full of interest.

"Not that Potter, Harry is over there," Penny said, shamelessly throwing her twin under the bus to escape.

Harry sent her a glare that was almost severe enough to actually burn her. All Penny could do was smile apologetically and take refuge at an empty desk. To her horror, after finishing introductions, Viktor Krum took the seat beside her. Penny could hear Ron cursing her to Hades and back. Ron loved Viktor more than he loved life itself. Once everyone was settled, Professor McGonagall gave an introduction to their topic for the day and then set them to task transforming a bird into a fish. It was a difficult bit of magic because the creatures lived in very different environments, so the transfiguration needed to be exact or the creature would not have the necessary features to survive in its altered state.

"I call him Earl," Penny said to Krum, trying to ease the tension.


"Why not? You don't think it looks like an Earl?"

"No. Birds do not require names, they are useless." Krum said, examining her through his thick brows.

"I do not think everything has to be useful to magic folks to warrant interest," Penny said darkly, reaching out with her magic to attempt the transfiguration. Earl hopped onto her finger and chirped. "What kind of fish do you want to be?" she whispered to it.

Closing her eyes, she reached for the bird's magic, its tiny expression pulsating incredibly quickly. A moment later, as though she took hold of the ball of light and remolded it, the bird became an angel fish flopping in Penny's hand. She quickly set the fish in the tank provided and turned to Krum with a grin on her face, proud of her effort.

"How did you do that?" he demanded, staring at her wide eyed.

"I just did what Professor--"

"You didn't use your vand," he said, pointing to the wand laying beside her.

"Oh, yeah, I guess I didn't," Penny replied, staring at her wand in confusion.

She often felt like her wand was unnecessary for work like transfiguration, but she had never actually performed a spell without it in hand. She simply forgotten to pick it up because Krum distracted her, but the endeavor had felt very much the same.

"Vot is this, you teach this at Hogwarts!" Krum said loudly, turning to Professor McGonagall.

She was just a table away admiring Hermione's work. She turned, giving Krum a severe expression. She did not like outbursts in her class.

"This is a transfiguration class, so we transfigure, yes," Professor McGonagall said, striding to their table.

The room had turned with interest to the confrontation, the students looking between Penny's confused face and Krum's offended one.

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