Moments with Lupin: A Private Lesson

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The sun shone through the window of Lupin's office and fell across his pretty face. Penny was sitting across from him, she'd finished her cup of tea from the chipped cup of his she found so charming. It'd become routine to visit Lupin, when he was feeling well enough. Almost as routine as it was to bother Snape in her free time. Time spent with Lupin, however, was never anything like the gymnastics Snape put her through. In place of snarky back and forths' and arguments, was a gentle companionship, filled with laughter and much absurdness.

Today was no different and Lupin seemed to be in good spirits though he looked rather tired. Somehow the two ended up in a thumb-war showdown, the random topic came up when Penny made mention of young Harry's obsession with it. Lupin, curious, inquired to know what a thumb-war and after losing in the demonstration to Penny demanded a best of three.

It was hard for Penny, who, by the sixth try, was laughing so hard she could barely breathe, her right hand trapped in Lupin's, who was giving her an this-is-serious arch of his brow.

"I can't--professor--the look on your face," she gasped.

"Do it for me?" he said, turning the full force of his sweet brown eyes on her, which in this moment seemed to be channeling the heart-melting power of a puppy dog.

"You've lost every time, It won't change," she hiccuped, straightening herself, trying her best to force the bubbling hysterical laughter back down her throat.

"Yet, the thrill of possibly beating you drives me onward," Lupin said, a grin playing at the corners of his mouth.

Their thumbs lined up, "One, two, three, four I declare a thumb war!" they chimed in unison.

It did not take Penny long to conquer Lupin yet again, causing him to yell out, "Honestly, again!"

Penny, burst into another fit of giggles that she tried to hide by placing her head on the table so Lupin could not see how her laughter brought her to tears. But he was more observant than she suspected.

"Are you crying?" he said, his bewildered amusement evident in his tone.

Penny shook her head, unable to form words just yet.

She felt his hand begin patting her head softly, almost pityingly. The sensation was enough to bring the onslaught of amusement to a halt, as it was the most glorious of feelings. It made her want to close her eyes and fall asleep, but his voice kept her from doing so.

"I suppose I cannot be cross with someone who looks as adorable as you do when you laugh," Lupin sighed.

Penny sat up to face him, "I am sorry. I wasn't laughing at you, you are just so absurd sometimes, but thats what I like about you. However, you truly are awful at this game," said Penny, giving him a wicked grin.

"I see what you did there, tell me how awful I am after I've been distracted by the fact such a special girl as you would say she likes me. But I won't be beguiled," said Lupin with a lopsided grin.

"Sounds like a challenge," said Penny, leaning forward.

Mimicking her body language, Lupin met her face in the middle of the desk, leaving a few inches between then.

"Penny Potter, are you being greedy? We can't have that. Perhaps I need to put back on my professor's cloak and teach you a lesson," he said, cocking his head slightly.

For a moment, Penny thought she should back down, accept she'd already won the day. But the temptation in Lupin's eyes trapped her, egging her onward. She should have realized it was a bait, Lupin saw right through her, knew her weaknesses too well. But she plowed forward, recklessly.

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