Moments with Snape: New Years

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The snow fell quietly over the grounds of Hogwarts. It was New Years Eve, the castle empty of most of its occupants, having left to spend the holidays with their families. Sometimes Penny felt jealous of them, but moments like this, sitting quietly, the air crisp against her face, watching the magic of the grounds, was something she cherished. It had been a strange year, starting with Harry blowing up their Aunt Marge, to realizing Sirius Black, a mass murderer, had escaped Azkaban and was likely out to kill Harry.

She sighed, looking up and letting the snow fall onto her face, closing her eyes and breathing deeply. It never was a dull moment with Harry as a twin. But sometimes she wished it wasn't their life. Penny knew Harry did not dwell on what life could have been, and she resolved for the New Year to be more like him. She had Harry, and these magic moments at Hogwarts, she needed to stop dwelling on things that could have been.

A crunching in the snow distracted Penny from her thoughts. Professor Lupin appeared in the corner of her vision, he looked surprised to find Penny sitting on the garden wall she'd cleared of snow.

"Penny!" he smiled warmly, altering his path to make for her.

"Hi, Professor. I didn't realize anyone else would brave the weather," said Penny, quietly wondering if Lupin's tattered robes kept in much heat.

"When you get to my age you have to get up and out whatever the weather or the joints get stiff," he winked. "May I?" he gestured to the spot beside her.

"Please do, you are very welcome company!" Penny exclaimed.

They squished together, Lupin radiating heat. Evidently, he did not need his robes to keep warm, unlike Penny, who was shivering slightly beneath hers. He was a welcome heater that she felt the sudden urge to wrap her arms around, but resisted the temptation.

"What brought you out here?" he asked, examining her curiously.

"Tradition," said Penny, simply.

"Oh? What tradition is that?"

"I'll tell you so long as you promise not to call me silly," said Penny, eyeing the man tentatively.

"Wizards honor," he said.

"I come out here every New Years Eve and tell mom and dad about the year I've had and about what I hope to do with my next year," she smiled, looking to the sky as though the pair of them might be up there looking down on her.

Lupin draped his arm over her shoulder and gave her a light squeeze, his warm eyes looking sad when Penny turned to meet his gaze, somewhat startled by his open affection.

"Why would I ever call you silly for that, I think it's lovely," Lupin said softly. "Now what shall I tell my old friend James about my year, hmm?" he went on, looking thoughtful.

"You became Hogwarts hottest gossip for a whole month, that's quite the accomplishment," Penny grinned.

Lupin laughed, shaking his head.

"I'm sure James feels the same as you. But I was never one for the limelight. But I'd like him to know how his twins are the most welcome intruders of my freetime," he said, giving her a teasing look from the side of his eye. "I've thoroughly enjoyed the privilege of helping Harry overcome his fears and seeing first hand the empathetic person he's become. And of course there's his sister, what she lacks in empathy, she makes up for in cheek--"

"Hey!" Penny yelled, shoving a fist full of snow down his cloak, unamused with his jab.

"Someone can't handle the truth," he laughed reaching for some snow for his counter attack.

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