They Are The Same Plant

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**Warnings** This chapter contains some, sexually inappropriate themes, but nothing explicit. Just be aware.


"This is ridiculous, no one assigns this much homework for the summer. The point of summer is for us to have a break," Penny grumbled, flipping angrily through her textbooks as she worked on an unusually irritating potions essay.

"Need I remind you that you will be sitting your OWL's, this is a mere preview of what's to come," Snape said, not bothering to look up from the large leather bound book he was reading.

"I don't need a preview, I need a break. I am curious though, how many OWL's did you receive," Penny said, peering over her book at Snape's stiff form across from her. "The question is purely academic, of course. After-all, I need to know how much better to be than you in order to take your job when I graduate." Penny said, smugly.

"I'm sorry to be the one to inform you, but my qualifications surmount to more than OWL's and are extensive ."

"Yeah, well I have to start somewhere, So your grades were?" Penny pressed, mischievously.

"Are none of your business," Snape replied, finally turning away from his book to fix her with a severe look.

"You're so unfair. You've seen all my beautiful grades. Yours must be bad because you love a good opportunity to gloat."

"I am not required to be fair, that's the point of being a professor."

"No one should allow you to teach, but I'll admit it's impressive you've convinced Dumbledore to let you stay. I imagine that has to do with your extensive qualifications," Penny said, giving him a dark look.

He smirked his gloating smirk, irritating Penny. She'd forced herself to bite her tongue, almost blurting something out about being a Death Eater. The look in his eyes told her that he knew she was struggling against her anger at the fact. Penny couldn't understand why it felt like a part of him seemed to like being a spy, especially knowing the kinds of things he was likely asked to do when fulfilling that work. Maybe he was just good at doing his job, but Penny couldn't shake the feeling that part of him was still lured by it all, a thought that was further solidified by the fact she knew Dumbledore would not let Snape have the position he actually wanted, DADA.

"Can you at least tell what aconite is, then? I haven't been able to find it in any of the last three books I've looked through."

"Look harder," he said with an eye-roll.

"Just one hint," Penny begged. The look of cruel excitement that skittered across his face at the possibility of annoying her further prompted Penny to continue, "Or--or I'll need to go bake something to clear my head," she threatened, her brow arched in challenge.

The vein in Snape's temple throbbed several times as he evidently re-lived what Penny had managed to do last time she was in the kitchen. He'd all but banned her from being in there unless he was serving her food. Admittedly, Penny hadn't fought him on it, but would be prepared to just be done with this essay of his.

"I received nine OWL's, a feat I wouldn't expect one as lazy as you to accomplish. As for aconite, it also goes by the name of monkshood and wolfsbane, they are the same plant," Snape said, snapping his book shut and getting to his feet.

"How was I supposed to know that, we don't get to wolfsbane in Herbology until 5th year!" Penny said, exasperated.

The fireplace burst into green flames, a message fluttering out of it to Snape's outstretched hand. He read it quickly, walked to his desk to scribble his reply and then tossed the note back into the fire. After that, he reached for a small glass of dark powder and sprinkled a small handful into the fireplace before turning on Penny.

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