Her Narrow Miss of Nonexistence

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Penny's misery was almost as acute as her humiliation when she was forced from bed on Friday morning. She looked in the mirror at her puffy face and tossed her hair into an uncharacteristic messy bun because she lacked the energy to brush her hair. Then she splashed cold water on her face and called it good, joining Harry at Gryffindor table.

"There you are! Why weren't you at astronomy last night?" Harry demanded.

"What happened to your face?" Ron said, scrutinizing Penny's appearance.

"Ron!" Hermione scolded before giving Penny a sympathetic look.

"I got drunk on firewhisky with Draco last night, ended up in Snape's office," Penny groaned, as a wave of nausea rolled over her when the smell of sausage hit her.

"Malfoy!" "Snape!" "Drunk!" they all exclaimed at the same moment, making it impossible for Penny to discern who said what.

"A little quieter for my head!" Penny hissed, clutching the side of it.

"Did Snape expel you?" Harry said, reaching over and rubbing her head gently.

"No, but he said I have to suffer through my hangover without any remedies or he intends to punish me," Penny replied, bitterly.

"As you should! You broke so many school rules and missed class, what were you thinking, Penny!" Hermione said, disapprovingly.

"That's unlucky for you, Bill told me firewhisky gives the worst hangovers," Ron said, matter-of-factly. "Whatever you do, stay away from anything greasy, this one time Bill was eating bacon after a particularly wild night and spewed chunks all across the table. Mum was so angry."

"Really Ron, we're eating!" said Hermione.

"Just take something and pretend you're miserable," Harry said to Penny.

"He'll know, he always knows." Penny said, feeling fearful of the wrath of her professor.

They finished their breakfast and made their way to History of Magic where Penny promptly laid her head down, uncertain if she would be able to move it again.

"How about I take notes today," Harry said, reaching for her notebook and giving her a pitying look.

Seeing as Penny gave him her notes every other day of his education, Penny could not help but roll her eyes at the angelic twinkle in his eyes, as though he believed himself the nicest brother of all the land. Hermione glanced disapprovingly at Penny while Ron and Seamus began their typical shenanigans, which Penny realized were highly amusing and helped to distract her from her pain.

Thankfully, by the time her lesson with Flitwick came around, Penny was able to pretend to be capable, though was still suffering from an awful headache. Flitwick was ecstatic with her attempts at the summoning charm, which sent him down memory lane about Penny's mother, Lily, and how skilled she was at charms, and how charming he found her.

Lunch came in a blur and Penny attempted to try and stomach a small salad, a mistake that sent her running for the girls lavatory to spew. She felt better when she finished, rinsed her mouth the best she could and then realized she would be late for potions. Sprinting at top speed, she skidded to a halt before the door, clutching the door frame as her world spun dangerously.

"Take your seat, Ms. Potter," Snape's velvety voice said from behind her.

Penny pretended not to notice him and marched forward, her world tipping sideways and sending her stumbling. Snape caught her before she hit the bookcase, smirked down at her, and then pushed her aside to continue on his way to the front of the class.

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