September the 1st

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Hey friends!

Life has continued to be a bit wonky over here. There has been a lot more on my plate than I anticipated and it seems writing got placed on the back burner.:( Sorry about that. I've decided to cut out a few of my commitments so I can have the time to stick to my routine of updating weekly. This story is just very important to me and I want to. be working on it because I enjoy. SO I hope you didn't think I abandoned you! I appreciate all the supporting, nudging, thoughts, and continued engagement with the fic and I want to honor your investment :)


With the 1st of September looming, Penny suddenly realized she was not at all ready. Where August had gone, she did not know. Though, a lot of it had been spent at Fred and George's joke shop. The twins had decided, in an effort to help her get clean from the drugs, they would keep her preoccupied. The gesture was sweet, and Penny came to truly appreciate what patient friends she had because the withdrawal period was ugly and full of outbursts and mood swings that she felt ashamed of once she made it out on the other side.

Thankfully, they did not seem to hold it against her, and even went so far as to hide her out of sight when Mrs. Weasley brought the others to visit the store so Penny would not have to endure Harry asking why she looked so awful. It would have been an impossible task to keep the truth from him and she did not want to cause him any pain over her choices.

She'd gone to visit the Weasley's a few days ago to make up for it, since she was now feeling composed enough to be around other people. It'd been a nice day full of delicious food and games of exploding snap because it was now much too cold for anyone to want to play quidditch. The day would have been a perfect success were it not for Hermione's intuition. Having seen Remus recently she deduced something wasn't quite right between the pair and asked Penny about it, but Penny managed to dodge her questioning by shamelessly bailing to help Mrs. Weasley clear up, something that at least made the kind woman beam. It was the least Penny could do after Mrs. Weasley had gone out of her way to get all of Penny's school supplies and check length on her robes. Unfortunately, Penny did not have Harry's luck, and her height had moved very little in the last year.

"Maybe I'm stunted," she said, scrutinizing the appearance in the mirror before her.

Though her robes hadn't needed adjusting, Mrs. Weasley had still bought Penny some new ones that were much softer than her previous ones. Penny frowned as she rose herself onto her tip-toes to see what the little added height would do for her. Though the difference was virtually imperceivable, Penny still felt she preferred it.

While Penny knew it was silly if not vain to care so much about her height, she was quickly becoming the shortest person among those she knew, though it did not help that she spent most of her time in the company of men. And it was not like she looked overly short and her proportions seemed alright to her, except perhaps for her heavy chest, which seemed a little out of place with her boyish hips, but her thighs seemed to take up enough space to make that less noticeable. But still, Penny was sick of having to look up at everyone, she wanted to know what it was like for others to have to crane their necks to look at her.

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