It's My Saturday As Much As Yours

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As is the nature with all things at Hogwarts, word of 'Penny's tampon vs Snape incident' spread like wildfire

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As is the nature with all things at Hogwarts, word of 'Penny's tampon vs Snape incident' spread like wildfire. Most people keeled over in laughter when they approached her and asked her if it was true that she taught Snape what to do with a tampon. No details were spared because apparently, her classmates had left their class to immediately disperse the play by play to all who'd listen.

Even Harry could not contain himself when she'd arrived from the dungeons from her fight with Snape. He did not notice her agitation and went straight into asking her what had possessed her. Even Ron, who seemed to be afraid to use the word 'tampon' (as though it were some bad word,) gave her a slap of approval on the back. Meanwhile, Hermione smiled approvingly and went on about how absurd it was that Snape had made her open the tampon and felt like his goal had been to purposefully shame her.

It wasn't until students pulled Penny aside to confess that what she did made them feel better about their periods that she realized how important the topic of periods were to many of her peers, who overwhelmingly felt ashamed of their hygiene products, carrying them like hand-grenades when racing to the bathroom. Others despaired to her about how expensive it was to purchase the products, and that they often had to ask others to share their supplies. Colin Creevey, a trans boy who was the president of the Magical and Trans club, which focused on supporting all of Hogwarts trans students as well as organized many events to bring awareness to trans experiences through some of Hogwarts favorite events, confided to Penny how difficult having a cycle was for him and his despair about the un-inclusive nature of all conversations about periods and advertisements of hygiene products were. Penny thought he summed the whole situation perfectly in his own words, "The world could do with less dunderheads who believe women are the only ones have periods, and I make it my mission to combat the ignorance!"

All of these conversations gave Penny an idea. So, on Saturday morning she got up early and made her way to Headmaster's office. She was not entirely sure that students were allowed to show up uninvited, but Penny figured it was worth a shot. And being as early in the morning as it was, she hoped Dumbledore would not already be doing something. However, she ran into a hiccup at the stone gargoyle. She did not know the password and all the random candy names she threw at the thing did not get it to budge. In her frustration, she kicked the gargoyle and said "I need to see the Headmaster, it's important!"

At this, the gargoyle sprang aside, allowing her entrance, Penny blinking.

"That actually worked?" she pondered out-loud.

"Certainly, Miss Potter, all those who ask, receive help at Hogwarts," Dumbledore's amused voice said from behind Penny.

She jumped about six feet and whirled around, startled.

"Headmaster, I was hoping to talk to you," she stuttered, feeling suddenly foolish beneath his blue gaze.

"I assumed as much, it must be pressing if you rose this early to find me," he smiled, gesturing that she should make her way up the stairs.

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