For Old Times' Sake

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Mrs. Weasley took mercy on Penny, taking her through the back door and sending her upstairs for a bath with some of Ginny's clothing so she could change. Turning on the shower as hot as it would go, Penny looked at herself in the mirror, smacking her own cheeks a few times while internally berating herself for allowing such weakness to get the better of her, and in front of Mrs. Weasley. What if this led to her, or anyone else, deciding they could now bring up the topic about what had happened that day in the ministry? She would obviously remain tight lipped, but that didn't mean the situation would be any easier to navigate.

Keeping her distance was the only way forward, keep her distance and—reaching in her pocket, she pulled out the bottle, uncorked the cap and slid two small pills into her hand. She considered them for a moment, wondering if her lack of internal strife was a bad sign or not. Then, without a second thought, she popped them into her mouth, climbed into the shower and slid to the floor where she waited for them to take effect.

If she was going to make it through this day, she needed help.

"You seem shorter," Harry said, his green eyes furrowed as he squinted at her through the bright sun, reaching a hand out to measure her height compared to his.

"Honestly, Harry," chided Hermione, as she eyed the broomstick Ron was offering her, warily.

"I didn't get ten centimeters for my birthday like you did," Penny scowled. She was getting a little sensitive about how quickly Harry was outpacing her in height, worrying she might end up being short. Taking her own broom, she turned decidedly away from Harry and to Ginny instead, "Boys versus girls?"

"You're on," grinned Bill, quickly tying his long red hair behind his head.

"Maybe I should sit this out, I'm no good at quidditch," Hermione said tentatively.

"Don't worry, neither is Ron," Ginny said, making Ron throw something at her in his irritation. "Just play keeper, Penny do you want—"

"I'm playing seeker," Penny said, her green eyes alight with her aggressively competitive nature.

"I won't go easy on you just because it's your birthday," said Harry, a mischievous smile playing on his lips, the wind tussling his already messy hair.

"Same goes to you, little brother."

Penny pushed off, the heart-hammering-exhilaration of the rush of movement made infinitely better from the chemicals raging through her veins; the unusually cool afternoon air making her feel even more alert.

With only six of them to play there were no bludgers, making the game very different, but no less enjoyable. It turned out Hermione was much more awful than Penny anticipated, but Ginny was good, which made the teams almost evenly matched, seeing as it'd been some time since Bill had been on a broom, and so long as Penny helped guard the goals from time-to-time, much to the annoyance of Bill.

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