A Very Bad Idea

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Penny gasped, though her eyes were open she could not focus on what was before her. Her attention was drawn to the heavy weights restraining her arms and her thrashing body. Without consent, she struggled, dread swallowing her heart whole. She did not want them to come, did not want them to place that cursed object around her neck again. Fighting was useless, but if she didn't she felt sure someone important to her would suffer, so she kicked out wildly, her foot colliding with something soft that let out a groan.

"Penny, you just need to wake up," a pained voice said. It was familiar, but not familiar enough to penetrate the fear barricading Penny's consciousness.

"I won't do it, you can't make me," Penny growled.

"What're you doing, kid?" a gruff voice said close to her ear.

"She's dreaming, Sirius, get my wand."

"No! Please, don't put it on, not again. I can't do it, anything but that."

The ground beneath Penny sank, making her feel sickly disorientated. How could cement move like that? Wasn't she in that cold room with the walls that seemed to go on forever? Penny wasn't sure anymore, her head was throbbing horribly, like someone was trying to crack it open from within and escape. There were flashes of images seeping through, muddying the word around her. A face, a small face, of someone she needed to help, but Penny could not grasp the memory long enough, and instead it slipped through her fingers.

Light engulfed the room before Penny's eyes, disorientating her more. A warm hand was pressed against her cheek, a soft voice muttering above her. The confusion was receding, her limbs ceasing their struggle. She blinked several times, her eyes finally registering the scene before her, two sets of eyes looking down on her, one of the bearers reaching out to push her hair off her cold, sweaty face.

"Penny, you're safe, we're at Grimmuald Place. Do you remember who I am?" Lupin asked..

"The keepers, they were just here?" Penny mumbled, looking around in confusion.

"Look at me, Penny. What's my name?"

Searching eyes landed on the gentle face before her. It was handsome, prematurely aged, but familiar. She lingered on it for a few moments before her brain finally connected to her mouth.

"Pro-professor Lupin."

"I'm not your professor anymore," he smiled.

"I thought--the keepers. . .it must have been a dream," Penny started, apologetically, rubbing her eyes. Her brain still hurt, as though it were struggling to grasp at something lingering in the back of her mind. The only thing that remained was the word 'keepers,' but she could not recall what that meant.

"The keepers?" Sirius said, exchanging a nervous glance with Lupin.

"Sorry, I think I was just dreaming about the Department of Mysteries, I didn't mean to attack you both. I saw Yaxley the other day and I think it just brought all that back up," said Penny

"What do you mean, you ran into Yaxley?" Sirius said, his voice sharp.

"He was at Snape's house with Lucius Malfoy the other day."

"What is that slimy git playing at, inviting his Death Eater pals over for tea while you're there," said Sirius, his tone furious.

"They didn't stay long," Penny said, absentmindedly, getting to her feet. Her head was still throbbing and she thought maybe getting some water might help.

"Did they hurt you?" Lupin asked, the stiffness in his voice catching Penny's attention.

"What? Yaxley was being his usual charming self, said some strange stuff, but Snape walked in and they ended up in a duel."

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