It's Your Birthday?

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No idea what possessed me, but here is another update for you lovelies!I just wanted to get to Snape's birthday, haha and here we are! There is a lot going on this chapter (Snape comes in at the end) so I hope you enjoy

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No idea what possessed me, but here is another update for you lovelies!

I just wanted to get to Snape's birthday, haha and here we are! There is a lot going on this chapter (Snape comes in at the end) so I hope you enjoy. I basically listened to three songs on repeat writing this: Kodaline -- High hopes, Duncan Laurence -- Arcade (This was a Dumbledore/ Grindelwald AMV and I just crieddd) , Radical Face -- Welcome Home, Son.

As always, thanks for being here!


"How's Harry?" James said, holding her just a moment longer.

"Harry is the picture of moral purity, sometimes I don't know how he does it, he's so brave and he has this fire about him, like he'll never give up. He's perfect, you'd be so proud, dad, except he could do with studying a bit more," Penny gushed, her brain swarming with thoughts she wanted to share with the handsome creature staring down at her. How was she supposed to condense and prioritize fifteen years of life while also asking him about all 21 he also lived?

"Your mother will be glad to hear how close you seem to be, it's important you stick together," he replied, a hand ruffling up her hair at the top of her head affectionately.

"Mum?" Penny said, her heart jumping at the thought and looking over his shoulder half expecting to see her there.

Taking her hand in his, he gave her a sad smile looking down into her hopeful face.

"Please know, Penelope, your mother would have given anything to be here. You and Harry are the most important things in the world to her and she loves you so very much, but she isn't able to cross."

Penny nodded, her heart, though so full joy, deflating somewhat in disappointment.

"Can you tell me about her?"

"Absolutely," James said, taking Penny's hand and guiding her toward the side of the bridge where he sat down and pulled her into his lap, wrapping his arms around her so she couldn't possibly escape.

"What do you know about my brilliant, wonderful, amazing, spectacular bride who also happens to be your mum?"

"Do I really look like her?"

He pretended to scrutinize her for a moment, "She's a bit taller, but other than that, you are 100% her carbon copy."

"Was she a good student?"

"Yes, she made me study far too often."

"What were her hobbies?"

"She always liked to do this weird muggle thing, knotting—cutting—knatting?"

"Knitting," Penny offered.
"Yes, that! Her sister taught her and she loved to make hair-bows for your adorable bald head."

Smiling at the thought of receiving a Christmas sweater from her very own mother, Penny leaned in a little closer to her father.

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