TCH | ⭐️ | all his might

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The streets of Camino Ward were bustling, but not in a positive way

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The streets of Camino Ward were bustling, but not in a positive way. Every street was lined with cop cars as waves upon waves of civilians tried to evacuate the area. Among that crowd stood four U.A students: Todoroki, Momo, Mineta and Naganohara.

"Midoriya, are you okay over there?" Todoroki called Midoriya's group over the phone.

"Yeah! How about you guys? Did you make a clean escape with Ayato?"

"We did, we escaped from behind after getting him back. Pros are currently giving us evacuation instructions."

"Good, we're in front of the station." Midoriya was relieved. "Looks like we're out of range of that shockwave. Our recovery was successful"

"Listen, you didn't rescue me, okay?" Bakugo exclaimed "you all just happened to be the best escape route."

"Nice decision!" Kirishima smiled.

"We were in All Might's way anyways..." he sighed.





"What's wrong?" All for One continued to speak after that heavy attack. "You seem to be very worked up about something, All Might. I heard the same line before...from the previous One for All Successor" he laughed. "Nana Shimura!"

"You really are similar... to the previous One for All successor, Nana Shimura." The villain continued to laugh.

"Do not sully the name of my honored master with that filthy mouth of yours!" All Might seethed while applying more pressure to his fist.

"She was a woman with no skill whose ideals got ahead of her." The villain was unfazed. "She was an embarrassment to me as the one who created One for All. She died in a really pathetic way." He laughed. "Where shall I start?"

"Enough!!" All Might yelled in anger. All for One's words were really getting under his skin. He was going to hit him with another smash but All for One sent the number one hero flying. He sent the hero so far that he almost collided with a nearby news helicopter who was trying to cover the situation. Fortunately enough, the impact was stopped as Gran Torino intercepted the flying hero.

"You're in the way..." All for One was quite annoyed.

"This is the same as six years ago, Toshinori, calm down!" The old man scolded. "You were so caught up in his challenge that you let him escape! And then he made a hole in your stomach! That's what's hopeless about you. Don't exchange words with him!"

"Yes sir..." All might coughed his lungs out. A mixture of blood and dusty air left his system.

"His fighting style and quirk seem completely different from last time! You won't be able to get a good hit in head on! You'll have to be tricky. Can you still move?" The old man asked. "Go beyond your limit! It's do-or-die time!"

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