TCH | 41 | Training Camp

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Evil wiggles on the underside of the showy superhero society no matter how many times they're driven back

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Evil wiggles on the underside of the showy superhero society no matter how many times they're driven back. They hide in the darkness storing up strength until they start to move again.

"I expect nothing less from Master, finding so easily the destination of those guys that I couldn't find no matter how hard I looked." Tomura said aloud while building his tower of cards.

"It was worth having them on standby, wasn't it, Tomura Shigaraki?" Kurogiri asked while Tomura let go of the last card he was trying to place on his tower. Unfortunately once that last card was let go, the whole tower came crashing down.

"I guess..."the bluenette sighed while looking at the mess of cards. The door to the bar unexpectedly opened as a smoking man entered the dimly lit hideout.

"I was contacted by the union. They said they could deliver the goods by tomorrow morning. They were hastily put together, so they don't look like much. However the quality is guaranteed." He smirked.

"I apologize for asking for something unreasonable." The portal butler apologized to Giran.

"Hey, Shigaraki. Do you know why the union accepted your unreasonable request?" Giran asked while taking a long drag on his cigarette. "Cause everyone's got high expectations of you." He went on to answer his own question. "If the League of villains becomes active, then those smoldering in the dark will start to move. If that happens, then those like me can share in the profits." He excitedly smiled.

"Don't worry. You'll be so busy you won't be able to keep up." Shigaraki reassured the villain.

"I'm looking forward to that. Thanks..." he smiled before taking his leave.

"My pieces and prey have all arrived at the destination." Tomura manically smiled. "It's time to start a brand new game!"







It was finally time for class A to go on their summer trip. Many were excited even though no one knew exactly where they were going.

"U.A. High has finished its first semester and started summer vacation. However..." Aizawa glared at his excited students," those of you trying to be heroes will not receive days of rest. At this summer training camp, we'll have you aiming for even greater heights — for 'Plus Ultra' !"

"Yes sir!"

"Back to the woods Naganohara goes" the albino was slightly dejected but still pumped for the training camp. Lately he's been feeling more confident with wielding Nokoribi and controlling his flames isn't too much of a hassle anymore. He can train to his heart's content without injuring anyone around him.

"You're looking much happier than last time" Jiro mentioned.

"Yeah, what happened to 'not the woods again!'" Tsu mocked the albino leaving an upset look on the albino's face.

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