TCH |31| Just Listen!

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The three kept their guard up as they watched the shadowy figure down the hallway

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The three kept their guard up as they watched the shadowy figure down the hallway. It wasn't lurking any closer, but it was attacking them from a distance.

"Incoming!" The albino warned as a sharp object quickly whizzed past the trio.

"Damn it! Who are you!" Rin called before everything fell dead silent. The creature sped down the hallway sending feathers into every direction.

"Foul demons! Leave this world right now!" It spoke in a deep spiteful voice before swooping in for the attack.

"Wow! A demon itself wants another pair of demons to die..." the albino deadpanned before activating his flames, Nokoribi still sheathed. He positioned himself in front of Rin to take the brunt of the demon's attack, launching him harshly into a neighboring pillar.

"Naganohara!" The two panicked

"I'm fine! Focus!" The albino groaned as he peeling himself off the now indented pillar.

"He's right! Don't just stand there!" Izumo yelled as she was about to summon her familiars but the heavy wind stirred up by the bird creature had other plans and her summoning paper was ripped to shreds. In the time the albino and purplenette were distracted the demon unleashed his full attack onto Rin.

The two went flying into a nearby classroom where Rin was about to draw Kurikara. The creature menacingly looked over Rin before it erupted into blue flames and swiftly dragged its remnants out the already broken window.

"Did it hurt you?" The albino coughed as his blue flames continued to dance around him.

"Thankfully I'm fine." He was slowly calming down.

"Izumo! We're good!" The albino's knees collapsed as she ran into the classroom.

"Great, now we got a mess to clean!" She sassed.

"Wow, thankfully everyone's alive." Naganohara monotonically responded as Rin helped him up. "Hand me a broom, hopefully we can get this done quickly."


The rest of the cram students were slowly arriving as they noticed the remnants of the commotion in the hallways. They walked in acknowledged silence as they followed the mess into the room where the three were cleaning.

"What's going on?"
"What are you doing?" The three: Shima, Bon, and Shiemi asked.

"I'd like to ask the same of you!" Izumo sassed.

"What about you guys? Shouldn't you be in school? Didn't you get the email?" Bon pressed further.

"Email, I don't even go here...." The albino deadpanned.

"Huh?" Rin finally looked up before grabbing his phone.

"I have issued an emergency summons, calling on all exorcists in the region!" Mephisto appeared out of nowhere.

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