TCH | 32 | Finals Exam Cram!

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"BAHAHA! SERIOUSLY! Seriously, Bakugo?!" Sero and Kirishima laughed their heads off at witnessing the blonde's new hair cut

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"BAHAHA! SERIOUSLY! Seriously, Bakugo?!" Sero and Kirishima laughed their heads off at witnessing the blonde's new hair cut. It was the day after everyone's internships finished so everyone was still getting reacquainted.

"Stop laughing!" The blonde shook with rage. "My hair's gotten used to it, so it won't go back even after I wash it!"

"Why is it so loud this early in the morning..." the albino walked into the room completely drained of energy.

"Bakugo!" The red head wheezed out before he hit the floor from laughing.

"What did he....Pfffft!" The albino quickly joined the two in their laughing fit. "It's giving 'Hi, how are ya! I'm normal.'"

"I'll kill you!"

"I'd like to see you try, side-part boy!" Sero taunted.

"What'd you say?!" The blonde got fired up which respiked his hair.

"It's back!" The trio continued before Ayato was dragging into a different conversation by Jiro.

"Wow! You even got to fight villains? I'm so jealous" Mina inquired.

" I just helped people evacuate and did logistical support" Jiro humbly stated while twirling her jacks.

"Ah Pfft, don't be so humble. Many people don't even experience action and you did a whole evacuation." Ayato dismissed her humbleness as he wiped his tears away.

"But, I didn't do any actual fighting, though."

"It's still amazing, though" Mina interjected.
"Indeed!" Ayato comically gave her a thumbs up,

"All I did was train and go on patrols, too. There was just one time when we caught smugglers from a neighboring country." Tsu thought back to her internship.

"You say that like it's casual..." Ayato's color drained.
"That's crazy!" The girls were shocked.

"What about you, Naganohara? How was your internship?"

"Well long story short, trouble" the albino duckfaced to which the girls grew upset.

"We wouldn't have asked if we wanted a short story!" Mina violently thrashed the boy around.

"Alright, calm yourself." Ayato calmed the pink alien. "Well, I spent quite a bit of time training, caught up with some old friends, got put on trial, fought the earth king Amaimon or something, and saved a possessed friend."

"That's basically pro-hero status!" The girls were flabbergasted.

"He did all that in just one week..." Denki sweatdropped.

"That's Ayato for you, can't stay away from trouble" Mineta smirked. 'Ayato went to trial? I've been best friends with a criminal this whole time!!'

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