TCH |37| the I-island situation -2-

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"Today we will be closing at 6 pm, thank you all for coming!" The intercom announced around the island

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"Today we will be closing at 6 pm, thank you all for coming!" The intercom announced around the island. The day was slowly wrapping up, and the three boys waiting tables were extremely tried.

"It's still the pre opening and we're already this busy...What will it be like tomorrow?" Mineta gasped for air.

"Stop, I don't want to think about it!" Kaminari sulked.

"It'll be way worse..." the amalgamation itself was also surprisingly tired. Who knew demons could pretend to be human for a whole day...

"Mineta, Kaminari! Good work today!" Midoriya called out as the group walked back to the cafe.

"You both worked hard today, huh?"

"Too bad you couldn't investigate the explosion with us..." the albino kicked the air.

"Ayato! Then who is that!?" Mineta shouted in anger and surprise when he saw his buddy walking back up to the cafe in his hero costume.

"Ehehe..." the albino scratched his head before pulling out two tickets.

"What this?" Denki asked.

"Invitations to the reception party."

"For us..." the two boys were violently shaking.

"Melissa prepared them for you." Jiro responded

"She thought you should at least have some fun today!" Uraraka chimed in.

"I had extra, so please use them if you'd like." She waved off.

"An absolute Angel," the albino joked.

"Our hard work has been rewarded!" The two boys hugged each other.

"What's the commotion about?" Another familiar voice joined the crowd.

"Asui!" The group kindly welcomed her late arrival with open arms. Ayato was going to join everyone but decided to just wait for the crowd to disperse and for Iida to give further instructions about the party.

"I heard that there will be quite a few pro heroes at the party, as well. In order to keep from embarrassing the name of U.A. change into your formal clothes and let us attend the party as a group!" Iida instructed. "We will meet at 6:30 pm in lobby 7 of the central tower! Make sure you're on time! I will contact the others, Dismissed!" He exclaimed before leaving a cloud of smoke as he dashed off.

That just left the rest of the group to eventually make their way to the hotel where they're staying. The girls crowd at their end of the hotel while the boys stayed at their end. Midoriya however had to split from the group to conduct his own business.



"Why would I go to a dumb party. I'm not going to go listen to some guys I don't know give speeches and then clap for them. It's dumb." Bakugo said while lying on his bed.

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