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"He moved!" Ayato said surprised that the boy could do so in his predicament

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"He moved!" Ayato said surprised that the boy could do so in his predicament.

"Don't tell me he's about to awaken..."
"We cannot allow that. Lord Pheles! Do something about this!"

"At the moment, I am nothing but a mere defendant. I can't very well take the liberty of manipulating that which is now on trial."


"It is quite simple, really. All you need to do is give me the following order" he smiled. "Release the sons of Satan, and use them as a weapon to protect Assiah"

"Now is really not the time to be debating a negotiation" Ayato yelled as he kept his eyes on the door.




"I can smell it, the scent of Satan's son" Amaimon said emerging from the debris. "Is he back there?" He smiled as Angel and Shura caught up in time to delay his appearance.

"I must ask all women to step back." He teased the exorcist.

"Shut up, you bald piece of crap!"

"Caliban, lend me your power"

'Really now, Arthur! You're such a slave driver!'

"Kirigakure style Demon Sword Technique Snake Belly Form: Serpent Fang!" The two exorcists easily defeated the large beast Amaimon was using to wreak havoc in the Vatican, However the Earth King himself was a different challenge.

"How dare you! My Behemoth!" He raged before blasting the two exorcists back to where they came from.

"Found you" Amaimon cackled as he made his grand entrance as a large Rock creature. His whole mission was to capture the two demon kids, however it wasn't so easy for him. There was an invisible barrier protecting the people residing in the courtroom and it repelled Amaimon's person.
He wasn't one that was keen on losing, so the green demon slammed the ground causing the intricate floor to crack thus breaking the barrier and the crystal Rin was encased in.

"Now then, the polls will be closing soon." Mephisto orchestrated. "Please decide now- yay or nay!"

"You bastard! Did you respond to the summons knowing this would happen? Knowing full well that the sons of Satan would draw another demon!" Angel yelled at him.

"Whatever are you talking about? Instead of over analyzing the situation, shouldn't you be securing the safety of the Grigori?" He reminded the Paladin.

"Awwww, Okumura can't play right now" the demon was dejected but then it refocused on the albino who couldn't keep his eyes off him. "Let's see how you fair, Ayato Naganohara"

"I will never get how demons know my full name like that..." the boy sighed before he got grabbed by the rock monster. The guards hidden around the courtroom tried to intervene and dispose of the demon, but it only made him angrier.

The Cursed Hero || BNHA x Male OC ||  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now